The Daily Knightline
Unity Christian High School
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Wednesday: Service Day
Service Day is an annual event in which students, in their Living Groups, are sent out to various locations to spend the day helping an individual or organization. Specifics about transportation, lunches, tools needed, etc will be communicated by Living Group leaders.
Ask your student where they served today!
5:30 PM Guatemala Trip meeting in the cafeteria
Thursday: 8 periods with chapel
Chapel: Senior
4:30 PM JV/V Co-Ed CC @ Sioux Center Invite (Dordt) - lv @ 4
5:30 PM JV VB @ MOC-FV
Friday: 8 periods
7:00 PM V FB @ Sheldon - lv @ 5 - DRESS THEME: Western Wear
8:00 AM JV VB @ Western Christian Tournament - lv @ 7 am
8:00 AM V VB @ Pentagon Tournament - lv @ 5:45 am
Mon 9/23 JVR VB @ Unity Freshman Tournament - 2nd place - vs Le Mars - Won 2-0; vs Sioux Falls Christian - Won 2-0; Championship vs Bishop Heelan Catholic - Lost 1-2
Mon 9/23 JV VB @ Central Lyon Tournament - 1st place - vs George-Little Rock - Won 2-0; vs Central Lyon - Won 2-0; vs Boyden-Hull - Won 2-0
Weight Room Open Hours
Students who wish to use the weight room during morning hours need to sign up HERE!
School Pictures are IN! Please stop by the office to pick yours up.
Picture Retakes - September 30th 9-10 AM-
If you placed an order and are unhappy with the photo please return the photo order in its envelope to the office before or by retake day, along with a note explaining the reason for requesting replacement. The order will be replaced using the new photo taken on retake day.
If a retake is requested due to something outside of the photographer’s control such as what the student was wearing on picture day, please include payment for the duplicate order.
Questions? Send an email to
Forgot to Order School Pictures? Click HERE!
UCHS Praise Team: Friday, September 27, the UCHS Praise Team is planning to meet after school in the Knight Center. If you are interested in helping with the praise team please come. This is not an audition! We just want to start getting an idea of who will be playing on the UCHS Praise Team and how we can best serve our school. Please contact Faith, Corrie, Christian, Madison or Mrs. Van Beek with any questions.
Ag department donation opportunity. Our Ag department is starting something new and asking for corrugated steel (can be used as long as it can be reused). Please contact Sherri Bootsma or the Unity office if you have any to donate. Thank you!
Handwashing is the single most effective way to prevent the spread of illness. We are starting to see the classic cold/cough symptoms on the rise, so please remember to wash your hands often!
23-24 Yearbooks - We have extra yearbooks. Please fill out this form, pay & stop in the office to pick it up if you’d like to purchase one. 23-24 Yearbook order