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The Daily Knightline, Wednesday, September 21

Writer: Unity SecretaryUnity Secretary

The Daily Knightline

Unity Christian High School

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Today: 4 Period Block (1, 3, 5, 7) Living Groups

Tomorrow: 4 Period Block (2, 4, 6, 8) Chapel

4:30 PM - JV/V Co-ed CC @ Sioux Center Invite - Dordt University

  • Dismiss @ 3:15; leave at 3:30 PM


Senior class officers:

Brooklyn Vander Veen (president), Aubrey De Groot, Cassady Dekkers, and Molly Zylstra

Back to School Night for Parents - On September 22, we are hosting a back to school night for parents! It is a great night to go through a simulated day of your child. It is a great way to connect with your child's teachers. "Class" last about 8 minutes per class, starts at 7:05pm with the last class ending at 8:15pm. Don't be late for class! : )

YEARBOOKS ARE HERE!! You can stop in the office to pick them up!!

UNITY FAMILY: Thank you to all the families that have sent in pictures for the family tree in our Courtyard. If you haven’t sent your’s in, please do so! We have plenty of room! Our goal is to get to know the names and faces of our 225 Unity families. If you have a split household, we would like photos of both families. Please send digital pictures and names to Thank you for your help! We look forward to receiving your photo!

BOOSTER CLUB NEWS: If you didn't get your complete online order because of a misprint on some of the apparel or for a backorder, great news! Orders are in the office! Stop in anytime to pick them up! Thank you from the Booster Club.

Quiz Bowl — Are you a trivia-buff? Do you seem to have a plethora of knowledge covering multiple areas of information? Then Quiz Bowl may be for you. Sign up outside Mrs. De Groot’s room to join this year’s Quiz Bowl team. Practices will be during lunch on Thursdays in Mr. Benson’s room.

Parents and friends of Unity: The sophomores are putting on a car wash/bake sale at Living Water Church in Orange City on Wednesday, September 21 from 8:40 AM -2:00 PM, and Thursday, September 22 from 10:40 AM-12:00 PM. All proceeds will go to the Genesis House. Come get your car washed and enjoy a baked good!


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