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The Daily Knightline, Wednesday, November 13

Writer: Unity SecretaryUnity Secretary


Wednesday: Block 1,3,5,7 with Living Groups

Thursday: Block 2,4,6,8 with chapel

Chapel: Ben Vos

7:00 PM Combo Night

Friday: 8 periods with 1:30 PD dismissal

7:00 PM - Powder Puff VB & Dance (doors open @ 6:30 pm)



Please review and sign up for the available slots in the sign up link below. 

  • Reminder - if you are signing up for 2 slots during a time frame to select the quantity 2. 

  • If you are choosing to do gate, you will need to scan passes with your camera on your phone so please be sure to bring a charged phone with you. 

Thank you for your willingness to serve our school, students and surrounding community. Booster Club Committee 

Each year the state of Iowa holds an Honor Cheer event to recognize and celebrate future leaders being raised in Iowa. Each ICCA member school is able to nominate cheerleaders from the school that meet qualifications in grade point average, leadership activities, and community involvement. This year the ICCA of Iowa and Unity Christian High School has selected two seniors: Emma Sandbulte and Ava Noyes to receive this honor. These young ladies will have the opportunity to perform with other cheerleaders from throughout the state of Iowa. The performances take place during half time of the state championship football games; one in the morning for class 2A, and another performance in the afternoon for class 3A on Friday, November 22, 2024 at the UNI Dome in Cedar Falls. Congratulations, Emma and Ava!

Combo Night this week! Mark your calendars for Unity's Fall Fine Arts production of a One-Act play, Mannenkoor, and The Cast (improv group) on Thursday, November 14 at 7:00pm. You can purchase your tickets through Bound HERE. Adults are $8; K-12 are $5. 

BLOCK PARTY INFORMATION: All classes are encouraged to come watch and cheer on the teams at 7:00pm on November 15. Ice cream and popcorn will be available, and there will be mini games that the crowd can participate in. A dance will follow at the Children's Park Shelter House in Sioux Center. NOTE: This is a Unity only dance, no outside guests will be permitted to enter. 

  • Cost to get into the game which also gets you into the dance is $10

  • If you are not attending the block party but want to come to the dance, the cost will be $7

NICSTO Applications: NICSTO applications are due December 1st. Please send them to Unity or drop them off at the office.

FFA Soup Supper: The Unity Christian FFA is hosting their annual soup supper on December 16 from 4:30-6:30pm prior to our Christmas Concert. The soup supper will take place in the Unity cafeteria. Free will donations will be taken. Come and enjoy food and fellowship, while supporting future FFA projects!


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