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The Daily Knightline - Wednesday, March 16

Writer: Unity SecretaryUnity Secretary

The Daily Knightline

Unity Christian High School

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Lunch Today: Pork Chop, cheesy potatoes, green beans, pears, mixed fruit, dinner roll or chicken salad bar

Lunch Tomorrow: Dippin' sticks, lettuce with dressing, corn, applesauce, grapes or ham salad bar

Today: Blocks 1,3,5,7

Living Groups

After Banquet Permission Forms, Junior Class $40 dues and $15 picture payment made to Generations (optional) are due in the office TODAY!

Tomorrow: Blocks 2,4,6,8

Chapel: Sam Ashmore

LifeServe Blood Drive: With some changes to their COVID protocols, they will be bringing their "bloodmobile", so if you want to donate blood, you will go outside to the bus they'll bring along instead of donating in the Knight Center as we've done before. In order to donate, you need to be 16+. There are quite a few time slots available and given the huge need that blood centers have right now, I'd love to see all of the time slots full. If you are interested, you can sign up in the office and pick up a permission form. For those that have donated before through LifeServe, you do not need a permission form. If you've never donated blood before, you need to have the permission form signed in order to give blood. You can bring that back to school and give it to the nurses when you donate. Let Mr. Byma know if you have any questions. Thanks!

7:00 p.m - Wizard of Oz Musical Opening Night - Get your tickets HERE.


Seniors and Juniors: Please fill out the following survey to help with arranging tables for prom. Thanks!

Saturday Night: All parents of Wizard of Oz participants are invited to help take the set down after the final show. Please bring your drills. Thank you!

Honda Keys: If you are missing a set of keys, they are in the office.

Congratulations to the State Speech participants! We had six division 2 ratings (Clark Stiemsma, Eden Moreau, Elia Eppinga, Hezekiah Hansen, Lydia Van Der Werff, and MyKayla Zylstra) and twelve division 1 ratings (Annika Goslinga, Clark Stiemsma (improv), Emilee Schrock, Emily Eppinga, Jane Taylor, Lauren Vande Griend, Madelyn Beimers, Meysi Penniings, Nerwen Cao, Reagan Van Beek, and Tyler Stoub).

Reagan Van Beek has also been selected for all-state speech in his category of spontaneous speaking--not an easy thing to do! Congrats, Reagan!

The Unity Dance Team is having tryouts on Saturday, April 23. Sign up to try out HERE.

UCHS CHEER 2022-23 is having tryouts Wednesday, April 20. Sign up to try out HERE.

UCHS will be performing The Wizard of Oz Thursday-Saturday, March 17-19 in the Knight Center. Get your tickets HERE.


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