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The Daily Knightline - Wednesday, January 26

Writer: Unity SecretaryUnity Secretary

The Daily Knightline

Unity Christian High School

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Lunch Today: Chicken/bacon wrap, lettuce/dressing, corn, peaches, apple, dinner roll or taco salad bar

Lunch Tomorrow: Ham sandwich, mash potatoes, baked beans, applesauce, grapes or chicken salad bar

Today: Blocks 1,3,5,7

Living Groups

9:00 - Noon Eric Tudor from Dordt will be in Mr. Byma’s room.

Afternoon Break seniors meet in the Knight Center to pick up your information on Senior Freedom!

Tomorrow: 3:45 JV/V Girls and Boys vs. MOC-FV - Reach Out!

A 6-on-6 Throwback Game will be played at the half-times so the Student Body is encouraged to dress up in retro/throwback attire for the theme that night!

6:30 p.m. NWI Honor Orchestra at Christ’s Chapel


Girls Track - If you are interested in participating in track this spring, please meet during 1st break in the gym on Friday with Coach Tinklenberg.

Student Council - THANK YOU for all the work and organization you put into planning Homecoming Week! THANK YOU to the class officers and sponsors for making our decorated walls some of the best! If you see one of your classmates that you know put a lot of effort into making Homecoming 2022 a success make sure you thank them!

Boys Baseball - There will be a meeting on Monday, January 31 at 7:30 a.m. in the PE classroom. All boys interested in playing baseball this summer should attend. Thank you!

Scooters Coupon! Pick up in the office for a ½ off coupon on any drink!


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