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The Daily Knightline - Wednesday, February 3

Writer: Unity SecretaryUnity Secretary

Lunch Menu

Wednesday: Spaghetti, garlic bread, lettuce/dressing, carrot sticks, mixed fruit, pears or taco salad

Thursday: Baked Potato, ham/cheese, breadstick, baked beans, pineapple, strawberries or chicken salad bar


Blocks 1,3,5,7

1:30 p.m. Living Groups

3:30 Game Club


Blocks 2,4,6,8

1:30 p.m. Chapel

Officer Pollema here in the afternoon.

4:45 p.m. JV/V Girls and Boys at Rock Valley - JV dismisses at 3:15 p.m. and bus leaves at 3:30 p.m. and V bus leaves at 4:30 p.m.

*Masks are required and will be enforced. Wristbands are needed to attend.

*There are a limited number of wristbands available for the Unity vs. Rock Valley games. You can pick them up in the office. There will be no setting aside or reserving wristbands. First come, first serve. Thanks!

Sports Report

Freshmen Girls and Boys BB lost their basketball games against West Sioux.

JV Boys lost and V Girls and Boys won their games against Remsen St. Mary’s.


There will be Quiz Bowl practice today, but starting next week, Quiz Bowl practice will be temporarily replaced with TEAMS/JETS practice. Please sign up on Mr. Mouw's door or send him an email if you are interested in competing in a TEAMS Engineering group this year. TEAMS is an Engineering competition, consisting of 3 parts: a building portion, a multiple choice portion, and an essay portion.

Please return any library books used for History Day projects ASAP. Thanks! Mrs. Byl

All boys and girls interested in track come to a meeting in the gym on Wednesday at 1:52 p.m. (end of Living Groups).

Letter Jackets: The Jostens representative will be here on Friday if you would like to make an order. Please see attachment.

Soup Supper: Unity Christian sophomore class will be holding a Pandemic Soup Supper on February 25. Just like many things this year, it will be done a little differently. The class will be taking orders for soup and tavern until February 3. Participants will pick up their soup and/or tavern on February 25 from school and then warm to eat it that evening or freeze for later use. The order form is available on Unity's website on the green banner. Free will donation will be taken on February 25 as the food is handed out. If you are not able to order online, food can also be ordered by calling Unity at 737-4114. This is the link

FFA Fruit Sales began on January 15 and will end on February 10th. Make checks to Unity Christian FFA. Delivery is during March 1-5th. The link is on our website.


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