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The Daily Knightline, Wednesday, December 4

Writer: Unity SecretaryUnity Secretary


Wednesday: Block 1,3,5,7

Living Groups - door decorating (extended chapel bell schedule to allow a little extra time)

Thursday: Block 2,4,6,8 with chapel

Chapel: Combined Christmas Chapel

6:00 PM JVR G/B BB vs. Sioux Center

Friday: 8 periods

Honor Orchestra Auditions Due

3:45 PM JVRB & JV/V G/B BB vs. Rock Valley - THEME: Pink out


8:30 AM Quiz Bowl @ Spirit Lake


Tues 12/3 BB vs. Boyden-Hull scores: JV girls - Won 36-15; JV boys - Won 71-26; Varsity girls - Won 64-18; Varsity boys - Won 76-51

2025 Jr Knights Dance Camp on January 10th. The Unity Christian Dance Team is excited to be hosting our annual Kids Camp again this year! Camp is for students grades Kindergarten through 8th. Click HERE to register by December 20th. 


BALCONY GAMES: The games in the balcony are not to be used after school; they are only for use during lunch breaks.

FROM STUDENT COUNCIL: The student body will be participating in a coin war next week, (Dec. 9-13) as a Christmas giving opportunity. Start saving your coins! More details to come.

FROM THE LIBRARY: All books are due by next week Thursday, the 14th. Please return those to the library ASAP. For those who have just recently checked out books, please talk to one of the librarians if you'd like to keep a book over the holidays.

NICSTO giving Deadline December 6!!

We use NICSTO funds for providing financial aid to families who have a financial need. As of 11-18-24, Unity has $115,000 left to raise to meet our NICSTO goal. Giving to NICSTO provides you with a tax credit of 75% of what you contribute.

We need to have our donation goal met by December 6, otherwise our unclaimed funds will become eligible for other schools.  If you have any questions about this opportunity please email Wayne Dykstra at

From the Nurse: Pertussis (also known as whooping cough) has been on the rise in our state and there have now been confirmed cases in Sioux County. It is an infection that causes a severe cough that can last for weeks or months, sometimes leading to coughing fits and/or vomiting. If you are taking your student to a healthcare provider for pertussis-like symptoms, please mention it to them and let us know if your student tests positive. If you have any questions, please contact school nurse Melinda or Community Health Partners at (712) 737-2971.

Missing computer chargers: The library has 3 computer chargers that are missing. If you have one, please return it ASAP!

Sign up for TEAMS - (Tests of Engineering Aptitude, Mathematics, and Science) - TEAMS is a fun competition that takes place in late January. Groups of 4 work to answer questions, solve problems and design a product all related to this year's topic of Extreme Weather. Please email or talk to Mrs. Nyenhuis about participating in this year's competition.  


First Semester Exams

Wednesday 12/18

Thursday 12/19

Friday 12/20


First Bell

First Bell

First Bell






Exam-period 1

Exam-period 2

Exam-period 6


Exam-period 4

Exam-period 3

Exam-period 7


Exam-period 8

Exam-period 5

Exam-make up slot




Sioux Center bus route runs

All other busses run

Sioux Center bus route runs

All other busses run

All bus routes run

Parents & Students: Things to keep in mind for semester :

  1. Students don’t have to be here until their exam time.

  2. Once here, students cannot leave the building until their exams for the day are done. If they have an exam the first and third exam periods of the day, they cannot leave the building in between testing times.

Exam change forms are on the counter in the office by the phone. Turn into the office or Mr. Holwerda. He will take care of getting teacher signatures. They are due back to the office by Thursday, Dec 12 @ Noon. 


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