Wednesday - Block 1,5,3 (note change of order)
Chapel: Kevin Hines @ NWC
Officer Pollema - AM
Golf Individual & Team Pictures - after school
Thursday - Block 2,4,6,7,8
4:15 - LeMars Early Bird - dismiss @ 2:45; lv @ 3:00
4:30 - B Soccer vs. MOC-FV
5:00 - G Soccer @ MOC-FV (NWC fields)
Friday - 8 periods with Living Groups
Living Groups
Solo / Ensemble Festival
Officer Pollema - PM
Sunday, April 7 - 6:00pm - Knightsounds @ Covenant CRC
Soccer vs West Sioux: JV boys lost 0-2; V boys won 3-2. V girls won 6-0.
Gate & concessions signup - The Booster Club depends on volunteers to take gate and work in concessions for each sports season. Please sign up via the link below. Thank you for your willingness to volunteer to support the Booster Club and all extracurricular activities in this way. Spring Sports Gate & Concessions Signup
Tickets (soccer & track) - purchase tickets through Bound for our spring sports. Purchase ahead of time or at the gate with a debit/credit card. No cash accepted. Unity season passes are accepted at home events.
Weather - spring sports events depend heavily on the weather. To find out the most current information on an event, please refer to the calendar of events in Bound under Unity Christian. Those events often get updated before our Google calendar events do.
IHSAA policy regarding pets on the premises:
No pets are permitted at events sanctioned nor sponsored by the IHSAA/IGHSAU. Any person found with a pet will be asked to remove the pet from the premises immediately. Failure to comply will result in the person being asked to leave the premises.
In accordance with Iowa Code Chapter 216C.11, a person with a disability, a person assisting a person with a disability by controlling a service dog or an assistive animal, or a person training a service dog or an assistive animal will be admitted to events sanctioned or sponsored by the IHSAA/IGHSAU without being required to make additional payment for the service dog or assistive animal. The person accompanying the service dog or assistive animal is liable for damage done to any premises or facility by a service dog or assistive animal.
Cheerleading Tryouts! - Thursday, April 11, 2024 - 4:00 pm
The tryout process includes a tryout clinic which will teach and review the skills necessary to prepare the cheerleading hopeful for the actual tryout. The tryout skills required include: Cheer, Dance, Jumps, and Tumbling Please do not let the skills required intimidate you or cause you to feel apprehensive about trying out. These skills will be introduced and practiced at the tryout clinic. Some skills will be instructor led and some skills will be videographed to enable further practice at home before the tryout date. Please wear navy shorts, a white t-shirt, white socks, and white athletic shoes.
Tryout Clinic Dates & Times: Mon-Wed April 8-10 – 6:30-7:45am
Cheerleading Tryouts: Thursday April 11 – 4:00 - 6:00pm
All previous and future cheerleaders are required to participate in tryouts.
Please use the signup link to receive more detailed information and to sign up for the Unity Christian Cheer Team Tryouts. https://signup.com/go/wWoZKjV
Congratulations to Anna Heynen, Annika Goslinga, and Janet Pan on their artwork being selected into the 2nd Annual Dordt University Art Showcase! Their work has been on display since the beginning of March in Dordt's art gallery. Join us Thursday, April 4 from 7-8pm for a closing reception of this showcase. Congratulations ladies!
Booster Club members needed: The Booster Club is looking for 3 couples to join the team. Please
prayerfully consider this opportunity to serve our students and Unity. Please contact Chris Van Ginkel (712-441-0689) or Heidi Van Ginkel (712-463-2450) with any questions or if interested in joining the
team. Thanks!
Kailee Davelaar (formerly Vander Wilt - graduate of Unity 2010) will be our ELL teacher next year. She will be at school all day Mon-Thurs. and we are working on finding help on Friday. We are excited to welcome Kailee!
Jessica Diaz (formerly Hibma - graduate of Unity 2003) will be teaching Spanish 3 and 4 next year. She will be at school in the mornings and we are excited for her to join Rhonda Van Donge in the Spanish department!
Unity Christian is seeking to hire a kitchen employee for the remainder of the 23-24 school year, and beyond if desired. The hours of this position are 10am to 2pm daily. Our team is open to hiring someone who can work either 3, 4 or 5 days a week. The start date would be as early as March 25, 2024. To learn more about this opportunity please contact our head cook, Maggie Reinke at: mreinke@unitychristian.net.
Unity Christian High School is looking to hire a school secretary. We are looking for someone with the following qualifications and interests:
Self-starter who thrives in a busy office environment
Extensive office software experience
Professional verbal and written communication skills
Ability to work independently as well as provide administrative support
Associates or bachelors degree in a related field as well as 2+ years of experience
Hours during the school year are Monday through Friday 8:00am-4:00pm and some evenings as needed for special events. Summer hours are Monday through Thursday 9:00am-12:00pm.
If you would like more information or to apply for this position, please contact Wayne Dykstra at wdykstra@unitychristian.net.
Unity Christian High School is seeking applications for a 50% Academic Support position for the 24-25 school year. This person would work in a guided study room assisting students in completing school work. To learn more about this position contact Mr. Jon Holwerda at 712-737-4114 or at jholwerda@unitychristian.net.
Unity Christian High School is seeking applications for the following teaching positions for the 24-25 academic year. Please contact Jon Holwerda at jholwerda@unitychristian.net to learn more about these opportunities.
Agriculture & FFA Advisor (FT)
English Teacher (FT or PT)
Bus Route Driver - Unity Christian is looking to hire a bus driver for the 2024-2025 school year. Please contact Terry Schouten at 712-737-4114 or at tschouten@unitychristian.net for more information.
Employment applications can be found on our website: https://www.unitychristian.net/employment