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The Daily Knightline, Tuesday, September 3

Writer: Unity SecretaryUnity Secretary

The Daily Knightline

Unity Christian High School

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Weekly Lunch Schedule







Main Menu


French Toast Sticks


Hash Browns

Carrot Sticks


Hamburger (cheese)

French Fries

Baked Beans

Dill Pickle


Chicken Quesadilla

Carrot Sticks

Green Beans



Potato Wedges

Lettuce w/ dressing


A la carte item


2nd hamburger

2nd quesadilla

2nd pizza slice

Salad Bar






Tuesday - 8 Periods 

5:00 PM - JVR/JV FB vs. MOC-FV

5:00 PM - JV/V Co-Ed CC @ Boyden-Hull Invite (Rolling Hills) 

  • Dismiss @ 3:15 PM

  • Leave @ 3:30 PM

Wednesday - Blocks 1,3,5,7 with Chapel

Chapel: Officer Dorhout Presentation

Thursday - Blocks 2,4,6,8 with Chapel

Chapel: Paster Cy McMahon

4:30 PM - JVR VB @ Western Christina Tournament

  • Leave @ 3:30 PM

Friday - 8 Periods 

7:00 PM V FB vs. Ridgeview DRESS THEME USA!

7:00 PM V Co-Ed CC @ Augustana College

  • Leave @ 4:30 PM


Friday FB vs. MOC-FV score: L 18-22

Saturday V VB results: 

vs Cherokee Lost 0-2  19-21, 15-21

vs Southwest Christian - Won 2-0    21-13, 21-17

vs Hinton - Lost 0-2  17-21, 19-21

vs Sioux Falls Christian - Won 2-1  21-19, 16-21, 15-12

Fall Sports Pictures are in! Please stop in the office to pick yours up.


Guatemala Trip: Everyone who signed up for the Guatemala trip:  Please meet in Mrs. Van Donge's room at morning break TODAY.  Come fast so we have time to discuss things.

Reminder from the school nurse:  As we are entering cold & flu season, please keep your student home if they have a temp higher than 100 degrees or are vomiting.

  • For cough & cold symptoms (flu, COVID, etc), they can return to school when they have been fever-free for 24 hours without use of fever-reducing medications (Tylenol, Motrin, etc) and respiratory symptoms are mild and improving. 

  • For strep throat, they can return after taking antibiotics for 24 hours if improving.

Lunch - outside dining establishment reminder - NOT ALLOWED:

Students are not allowed to eat food delivered to the school from an outside dining establishment for lunch. If a student has food delivered to the school by anyone from a dining establishment the food will be taken from them.

Student school pictures - grades 9-11 - Wednesday, September 11 - ONLINE ORDERING!

Vanessa Bartels with Generations Portraiture will be taking school pictures on Wednesday morning, September 11. This year there is online ordering for school pictures! Please place an order before Wednesday, September 11.

  • If you have multiple students at Unity please complete a separate order for each student. 

  • All students will be photographed on picture day regardless of whether or not an order is placed, as these images are used by the school for other purposes such as the yearbook.

  • If you have any questions please send an email to

Snacks for Professional Development Fridays

When our students have 1:30 dismissals on Fridays, our teachers gather together for professional development. We have been blessed with wonderful snacks for our teachers on these days in recent years, and we are again seeking volunteers this year. If you are interested and willing to help provide snacks for around 30 teachers for their professional development time on 1:30 dismissal Fridays, sign up below!

UNITY FAMILY: We are continuing to build our family tree in our Courtyard. Our goal is to get to know the names and faces of our Unity families. Would you please email us a digital family photo and include the names of the people in the photo. If you have already sent a photo in the previous year and would like to update it, that is great too. Please send pictures and individual names to Thank you for your help! We look forward to receiving your photo!

23-24 Yearbooks are IN!

Stop in the office during open hours to pick yours up!


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