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The Daily Knightline - Tuesday, November 23

Writer: Unity SecretaryUnity Secretary

The Daily Knightline

Unity Christian High School

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Lunch Today: Turkey with stuffing, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, apple, mixed fruit, cheesecake cup or ham salad bar

No Lunch Tomorrow: 11:50 dismissal

Today: Thanksgiving Chapel

6:00 Girls JV/V Girls Basketball vs. Gehlen Catholic at Home

Tomorrow: 11:50 dismissal - Thanksgiving Break


Congratulations to Naomi Mellema on the honor of being crowned the 2022 Tulip Festival Queen Monday evening! We praise God with Naomi for this opportunity to shine His light as a representative of Unity Christian and Orange City.

The Allstate Music Festival that took place last weekend can be viewed on Iowa PBS at 7:00 p.m. Thanksgiving evening. Unity students that participated were Katelyn Huizenga, Courtney Joiner, Tara Joiner, Isaac Krommendyk, Kaeley Meyer, Jocelyn Muilenburg, Casey Oolman, Laura Ross, JoyLyn Vande Berg and Emily Vande Zande.

Wizard of Oz auditions will be December 1 and 2. If you are interested in auditioning, packets for auditions will be available tomorrow. You may pick them up in the music room. The sign up sheet will also be in the music room.

Blood Drive: Unity is hosting a blood drive on November 29. Sign up form outside the cafeteria. You must be 16 years old to give blood. If this is your first time giving, you can get a permission form from Mr. Byma.

End of Year Giving Opportunity

The Student Council is sponsoring a drive to serve a need at the US - Mexico border.

One of our staff, Karla Byl and her husband, along with a group from Youth Front in Kansas City, hope to travel to the border city, Ciudad Acuna, to serve the Haitian migrants there. The group hopes to bring support, food, and supplies to these Haitian brothers and sisters. The most needed donations include sleeping bags, sleeping cots, winter clothing, diapers, toiletry kits, shoes, socks and underwear. If you feel called to donate to the cause, please bring your donations to Unity before Tuesday, December 15.


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