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The Daily Knightline - Tuesday, May 3

Writer: Unity SecretaryUnity Secretary

The Daily Knightline

Unity Christian High School

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Lunch Today: Chicken Parmesan, garlic bread, steamed broccoli, carrot sticks, peaches, apple or taco salad bar

Lunch Tomorrow: Clean-a-thon/Bring your own sack lunch


Chapel - Pastor John Klompien

10:25 - Student Council Meeting

Noon - Moms in Prayer

4:00 Track WEC Meet at Hinton

* Dismiss at 2:30; bus leaves at 2:45

4:30 Golf vs. Remsen St. Mary’s


12:30 Clean-a-thon

Blocks 1,3,5

Sports Report

Varsity Girls Soccer lost to Spencer 1-10.

Varsity Boys Soccer lost to Spencer 2-7.

Both the boys and girls golf teams won last evening at the Triangular in Hull.

Boys scores: Lucas Van Berkel 42; Titan Hulstein 46; Graden Van Essen 48; Bryce Harskamp 50; Isaac Baart 54; Nick Noteboom 58

Girls scores: Medalist Lauren Vande Griend 50; 4th Place Brielle Reitsma 57; Emma Sandbulte 57; Sadie Goebel 57; Allyson Yesda 58; Adriana Van Maanen 62


Seniors: Please stop by the office and check your name and picture to make sure everything is correct for the class composite. You may order an 11x14 copy of the class composite for $20 each if you order by Friday, May 13. Just let the office know. Vanessa will have them ready for pickup in the office on Monday, May 23. Thank you!

Teacher Appreciation Week: This week is Teacher Appreciation Week! If you would like to write any (or all) of your teachers a note of thanks, we have Thank You note cards in the office and in the library or feel free to create your own card/note. You can drop the notes off in the office when finished, and we will make sure they get passed on!

One Act auditions for Combo Night will happen May 9 in Ms. Van Dyke's room. Sign up in groups of 3-4 in Ms. Van Dyke's room if interested.

Dutch Dance practice starts today! Please be at the Orange City Elementary gym at 7:15 tomorrow morning and Wednesday morning. Even if your partner can't make it, please come. Hope to see a lot of you there. Thank you.

Rope Holders for Tulip Festival if interested please contact Jim at 707-4885. Thank you!


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