Tuesday - 8 periods - 3:30 dismissal
10:25 Late Start Bell Schedule - periods 4 & 5 switched
DRESS UP DAY - Future Job
4:30 - JV G & JVR/V B BB @ Sibley-Ocheyedan
- JV G dismiss @ 2:35; leave @ 2:45; JVR/V B leave @ 4:05
Wednesday - Block 1,3,5,7 - 3:30 Dismissal
8:25 - Living Groups - Escape Room
Thursday - Block 2,4,6,8 - 3:30 Dismissal
DRESS UP DAY - Throwback Day
Chapel: Alumni Chapel
2:45 - Gym Games
4:30pm - JVR/JV/V Boys BB vs. West Lyon
Friday - 8 periods - 1:30 chapel
DRESS UP DAY - Formal Day
Officer Pollema - AM
1:30 Homecoming Chapel - Speaker - Sarah (Bos) Lee; Court Presentations
JV/V G/B BB vs. Boyden-Hull
Booster Club will be selling walking tacos out of the concession stand.
4:00 - JV B - aux gym
4:30 - JV G - main gym
5:00 - JVR B - aux gym
6:00 - V G - main gym
7:30 - V B - main gym
Presentation of 1993 Girls VB & 1983 Boys CC championship teams; Recognition of Henry Kramer
Homecoming Court presented between varsity games
Dance team - “Through the Decades” routine - varsity girls halftime; two light routines - boys halftime
Homecoming dance after the basketball games to midnight @ Children’s Park shelter house in Sioux Center. Cost = $10.
Saturday - District Large Group Speech Contest
CONGRATULATIONS to the 2024 Homecoming Court! Representing the class of 2024 are:
Hannah Clemens, Anna De Jong, Karlee Hofmeyer, Haley Kuperus, Ella Poppema
Jesse Huisman, Daylen Mulder, Cole Rens, Ethan Van Ginkel, Elliot Vanden Berg
Homecoming dance is next week Friday, January 19, after the basketball games. This year the dance will be held at the shelter house in Children's Park in Sioux Center. The dance goes until midnight, and costs $10 to get in. See you all there!
Homecoming Week Theme
Our Theme: 7 Wonders of the World
Theme verse: Colossians 1:16 - "For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him."
ACT Prep Class - We are excited to offer ACT Prep again this year! Mrs. Clark is offering Prep sessions ahead of the April 13 test date. Sessions will be Saturday mornings 9-12 at school starting February 24. Total cost is $150. If you are interested in signing (your child) up or have any questions, email Mrs. Ruth Clark at rclark@unitychristian.net and she will take care of the rest! The class will be capped at 25, so please email by Saturday, Feb. 3, if you are interested. See this letter for more information.