Tuesday - 8 Periods (Longer chapel bells)
Spiritual Renewal Week
Chapel: Jon Setzer
Officer Pollema: AM
National FFA Week Activity: FFA snack during breaks today for everyone. Pick up a Bingo Card. If you get a Bingo turn your card in on Friday for a treat during morning break. Sign up for the Hay stacking
contest. Teams of two. Pizzas for winners.
Track Practice Begins
“Little House on the Prairie” tickets go on sale on Bound!
B BB District Tournament - TBA
Wednesday - Block 1,3,5,7 (Longer chapel bells)
Spiritual Renewal Week
Chapel: Jon Setzer
National FFA Week Activity: Dress in FFA colors. Blue & Gold. Hay Stacking contest during afternoon break in front of school.
7:00pm - Unity is hosting girls BB tournament game - Central Lyon vs. Hinton
Thursday - Block 2,4,6,8 (Longer chapel bells)
Spiritual Renewal Week
Chapel: Jon Setzer
Officer Pollema: PM
National FFA Week Activity: Dress is John Deere vs Case IH
FFA Subdistrict contest @ Sioux Center
Friday - 8 Periods
National FFA Week Activity: Staff & FFA Member Pancake & Sausage Breakfast 7:30-8:00 in Ag room. Turn in Bingo cards for a morning break treat.
Saturday - B BB Substate Tournament - TBA
District Individual Contest Speech
Sunday - 5:00pm - Knightsounds @ Ireton CRC
Spring Sports Apparel Online Store (and the KNIGHTS design apparel) is now open thru Friday, March 1. The expected delivery date will be March 28. Thank you in advance for your support! Your order benefits all students in all extracurricular activities at Unity!
If you have any questions, please contact Heidi Van Ginkel at 712-463-2450 or Rachelle Oordt at 712-441-0185.
The Unity FFA Chapter has several activities planned for National FFA Week.
Tuesday-FFA snack during breaks today for everyone. Pick up a Bingo Card. If you get a Bingo turn your card in on Friday for a treat during morning break. Sign up for the Hay stacking contest. Teams of two. Pizzas for winners.
Wednesday-Dress in FFA colors. Blue & Gold. Hay Stacking contest during afternoon break in front of school.
Thursday-Dress in John Deere vs Case IH.
Friday-Staff & FFA member Pancake & sausage breakfast 7:30-8:00 in Ag room. Turn in Bingo card for a morning break treat.
“Little House on the Prairie” musical tickets will go on sale on Monday, February 19 at 6:00am! We are using Bound for tickets. You will be able to pick the seats that you want. Go into Unity Christian Bound ticketing, choose the date/performance you want to attend, then click on the ticketing link which will take you to the checkout process. Adults are $13, students K-12 are $8.
Spiritual Renewal Week
This week we have the privilege of welcoming Mr. Jon Setzer to speak during our Spiritual Renewal Week. Jon will be with us Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Jon spoke about 5-6 years ago in conjunction with Happy the Dog Ministries. Since then Jon has spent time in North Carolina and is currently the COO and Vice President of Lifelight in Sioux Falls. He will be talking about "Igniting a Generation," hoping to make the gospel come alive when it can seem so familiar to us.
2023-2024 Yearbook Order Form - click on the link and complete the form for your yearbook orders!