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The Daily Knightline, Tuesday, August 27

Writer: Unity SecretaryUnity Secretary

The Daily Knightline

Unity Christian High School

Tuesday, August 26, 2024

Weekly Lunch Schedule







Main Menu

Hot Dog

French Fries

Baked Beans


Orange Chicken


Green Beans



2 Tacos

Potato Rounds

Lettuce w/ Dressing


Mac N Cheese

Corn Dogs




Chicken Nuggets

Potato Rounds

Carrot Sticks



A la carte item

2nd Hot Dog

2nd serving

2nd tacos

2nd corn dog

2nd serving

Salad Bar







Tuesday - 8 periods

7:45am - Senior Fall Retreat - Inspiration Hills


JV VB @ Bishop Heelan Tournament

Wednesday - 8 periods

5:00am - Farm Progress Show - Boone, IA - Ag Students

Thursday - 8 periods - with chapel

Chapel: Mr. Byma

Friday - 8 Periods - 1:30 Dismissal

7:00pm - V FB @ MOC-FV

The tailgate for the football game vs MOC is sponsored by Woudstra Meat Market and Northwestern College. They will start serving grilled brats starting at 5:30. The meal will be set up outside the fence. The free will donation profits will be split b/t MOC & Unity! 


Booster Club fall sports gate & concessions - THANK YOU for the quick response to sign up for gate and concessions during volleyball and football season. All spots have been filled! Look for additional signups once tournament games start, and again for basketball season.

Fall apparel is IN! Stop in the Courtyard to pick up your order.

Season Passes & Single Game Tickets:

There will be NO CASH SALES at the gate this year. All tickets can be purchased through

Bound or with credit card at the gate.

Instructions to purchase season passes or single game tickets through Bound.

***Season passes MUST be purchased prior to coming to the football game Friday.***

Single game ticket prices are $7 each. Children younger than kindergarten are free.


UNITY FAMILY: We are continuing to build our family tree in our Courtyard. Our goal is to get to know the names and faces of our Unity families. Would you please email us a digital family photo and include the names of the people in the photo. If you have already sent a photo in the previous year and would like to update it, that is great too. Please send pictures and individual names to Thank you for your help! We look forward to receiving your photo!

The Unity Moms in Prayer group starts the school year by walking through Unity's campus and praying for God's favor and blessing over the teachers/staff, and students and all of their activities. It's a wonderful way to unite in praying for God's heart and vision for the school community. 

  • Did you know that when the angel told Mary that she was "highly favored", he was saying that she was "receptive to God's grace"? Being receptive to God's grace enables us to do the tasks that He lays before us. We want to pray that our staff and students are "highly favored" and receptive to God's grace. Psalm 5:12 says, His favor is like a shield around us.  How important it is to have a shield around our school community! 

  • We also invite all moms to join our prayer group on Tuesdays from 12:00-1:00pm for praying over our children and school community. We spend time praising God for one of His attributes (power, grace, love, joy, etc) and then we pray a specific verse over one of our children, and a group of Unity students and staff. We are constantly encouraged that when we pray God's Word, that God sends his angels to do His bidding (His Word) (Ps 103). Meet by the conference room at Unity. 

Non-Spanish students:  If you are no longer in Spanish but want to remain in a Duolingo classroom so that you continue to get unlimited hearts, come talk to me.  I'm starting an "Ex-Spanish student" classroom on my Duolingo for you. No assignments, just the benefits. I may be convinced to give monthly prizes to this group as well.  From Señora Van Donge

23-24 Yearbooks are IN!

Stop in the office during open hours to pick yours up!

Freshmen, are you interested in applying for Student Council this year? Applications are in the office and due at the end of the day on Friday. It's a fun group to be a part of and you get to help organize different events for the school body all throughout the year. If you have any questions, contact Ms. Vander Kooi.


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