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The Daily Knightline, Tuesday, April 25

Writer: Unity SecretaryUnity Secretary

The Daily Knightline

Unity Christian High School

Tuesday, April 25, 2023


Tuesday - Periods 1-8; pds 7&8 switched

Chapel: Lucas Den Herder

12:00pm - Moms in Prayer

4:00pm - Girls Track Relays @ Cherokee

- dismiss @ 2:00; leave @ 2:15

4:30pm - Golf @ Akron-Westfield

- dismiss @ 2:45; leave @ 3:00

Wednesday - Blocks 1,3,5,7

Senior Class Trip to Omaha

Living Groups

Thursday - Blocks 2,4,6,8

Drake Relays

Chapel: Praise

4:30pm - Golf @ HMS

- dismiss @ 2:45; leave @ 3:00

4:30pm - JV/V B Soccer vs. MOC-FV

5:00pm - JV/V G Soccer @ MOC-FV

Friday -

Drake Relays

Dordt Ag Day

Senior Capstone Paper Rubric Due

Box Lunch Social

BUS SCHEDULE FOR TODAY: ONLY the Sioux Center bus route will run at normal time (3:30PM), All other bus routes will run at 1:30 PM.

2:00pm - Landsmeer Boys Golf Invite

5:30pm - JV/V B Soccer vs. Sheldon

5:00pm - JV/V G Soccer @ Sheldon

- leave @ 4:00

4:30pm - Track MMCRU Relays @ Marcus

- leave @ 3:15

Saturday - Drake Relays


Monday 4/24 Boys Track Results: Congrats to the Boys Track Team on a 2nd place finish at the Cherokee Relays. Notable performances include: 3rd place Sprint Medley Relay (Trevor Wieringa, Austin Wieringa, Braeden Bosma, Ethan Van Ginkel) Jonathan Breems-1st in the 3200; 1st place 4x800 Relay (Daylen Mulder, Landon Meerdink, Dylan Obbink, James Foreman); Ethan Van Ginkel-1st in the 400; Dylan Obbink-2nd in the 400; James Foreman-1st in the 800; Landon Meerdink-2nd in the 800; Ethan Van Ginkel-1st in the 200; Tyler Rozenboom-2nd in the 1600; Jonathan Breems-3rd in the 1600; 2nd place 4x400 relay (Landon Meerdink, James Foreman, Dylan Obbink, Ethan Van Ginkel); Eli Horstman-1st place Wheelchair 100, 200, 400, and 800; Kyan Emmelkamp-tied for 2nd in High Jump.

Monday 4/24 Golf Results: Congratulations to both the girls and boys golf teams. The boys won against HLP: UC 172, HLP 183. Medalist: Titan Hulstein 40; Runner-Up Graden Van Essen 41; 3rd Place Bryce Harskamp 43. The girls also won against HLP: UC 234, HLP 242. Medalist Lauren Vande Griend 49, Runner-Up Sadie Goebel 51. Great job!

Monday 4/24 Soccer Results: Girls Soccer had a great night last night. Both teams won against BHRV. JV won 4-0 and Varsity won 4-1. Boys vs. BHRV - JV lost 0-1, Varsity won 3-2.

WARRIOR SPORTS PHOTOGRAPHY - Last week Tuesday, 4/18 G/B soccer played Sioux Center. Warrior Sports photography took some great photos of the games vs. Sioux Center. Click on the link to view: Boys Girls


College Rep Visit: Eric Tudor from Dordt University will be at Unity on Wednesday morning to talk with interested juniors about Dordt. If you are interested, please sign up on the bulletin board outside of Mr. Byma's office.

TULIP FESTIVAL: Rope holders are needed for Thursday, Friday and Saturday, May 18, 19, & 20, during the Tulip Festival, Please contact the Orange City Police Department at 707-4885 if you would like to help.

BUS SCHEDULE FOR FRIDAY: ONLY the Sioux Center bus route will run at normal time (3:30PM), All other bus routes will run at 1:30 PM.

Flipping Class Periods 7th and 8th - Tuesday, April 25 and Monday, May 1. This helps students who participate in spring sports and need to leave early for games/meets.

LIFE SERVE BLOOD DRIVE @ Unity is scheduled for Wednesday, May 17 from 9:00-1:30. Scan the QR code on the posters around school to register. Students 16-17 years old must obtain parent permission. Permission slips available in the office.

FFA EARLY BIRD PLANT SALES! Friday, April 28 3:45-6pm and Saturday, April 29 9am-12pm. 200+ hanging baskets, tomatoes, sweet & hot peppers, broccoli, celery, cabbage, pansies, zinnias, marigolds, coleus, verbena, impatiens, geraniums, petunias and more! Free will donations to FFA.


Bus Route Driver - Unity Christian is looking to hire a bus driver for the 2023-2024 school year. Please contact Terry Schouten at 712-737-4114 or at for more information.

Paraprofessional (new) - This hourly position will begin in the 3rd week of August and go through to the end of the 23-24 school year in the 4th week of May. Work hours are expected to be from 8:15am until 3:45pm each day. To learn more about the position contact Mrs. Dana Broers at 712-737-4114 or at

Kitchen Staff (new) - This hourly position will begin in the 3rd week of August and go through to the end of the 23-24 school year in the 4th week of May. Work hours are expected to be from 10am until 1:30pm each day. To learn more about the position contact Mrs. Becky Scholten at 712-737-4114 or at

Employment applications can be found on our website:


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