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The Daily Knightline, Tuesday, April 18

Writer: Unity SecretaryUnity Secretary

The Daily Knightline

Unity Christian High School

Tuesday, April 18, 2023


Tuesday - BLOCKS 2,4,6,8 with Chapel

Chapel: Sophomore Class

Officer Pollema - AM

12:00 Moms in Prayer

FFA Convention

4:30pm - Golf @ RSM


- 4:30pm - JV B/G soccer vs. Sioux Center - scrimmages at UC - boys at 4:30; girls around 5:40

- 5:00pm - V G/B soccer @ SC (Dordt grass field)

7:00pm - Annual Society Meeting in Knight Center - board members and budget will be voted on. Up for election: Redeemer URC, Orange City - Jeff Van Bemmel & Jon Kiel; Sioux Center URC / Cornerstone URC (Sanborn) - Samantha Zomer (running unopposed); At Large (2 needed for a vote/1 selected) Mike Calkhoven (Faith CRC, Sioux Center) & Matt Van Essen (Bridge of Hope, Sioux Center).

Wednesday - Blocks 1,3,5,7

Living Groups

12:30pm - UC Jr. High Track Meet

- Knight Store will be open during Jr. High track meet with reduced price apparel available for sale!

Thursday - 8 periods with chapel

Chapel: Freshmen

Officer Pollema - PM

Freshmen Grandparents Day - Contact the office or Alison Obbink ( to RSVP grandparents for lunch that day.

4:30pm - Sheldon Co-Ed Track Invite

- dismiss @ 3:00; leave @ 3:15

4:30pm - Golf vs. Gehlen Catholic

4:30pm - JV/V B Soccer vs. Le Mars

5:00pm - JV/V G Soccer @ Le Mars

- leave @ 3:45

Friday - 8 periods - 1:30 dismissal

Jr./Sr. Banquet


Two Unity students, Colton Roorda and Eli Horstman, along with their team, The Siouxland Lightning, competed in the National Sled Hockey Tournament in St Louis this past weekend. They had a great weekend and are returning as National Champions in the youth tier 5 division!

Monday, 4/17 TRACK RESULTS:

Girls placed 2nd overall at the Sheldon Invite. Individual results: 1st- Aubrey De Groot High Jump; 1st- Anna Heynen 100m Dash; 1st- Anna Heynen 200m Dash; 1st Gracie Schoonhoven 400 Hurdles; 1st Sprint Med- Haley Hofland, Daylea Tinklenberg, Jaida Barrow, Gracie Schoonhoven; 2nd- Maddie Hoogland High Jump; 2nd- Katie Young 3000m; 2nd- 4x800 Elizabeth Hoogland, Adriana Van Maanen, Kyra Van Schouwen, Emily Noteboom; 2nd- Emily Noteboom 400m Dash; 2nd- 4x100 Haley Kuperus, Anna Heynen, Ruby Zylstra, Eve Baart; 2nd - Distance Med Kortney Hofmeyer, Maddie Hoogland, Gracie Schoonhoven, Elizabeth Hoogland

Boys placed 2nd overall at the Unity Knight Relays. Individual results: 2nd - Ethan Van Ginkel 200m dash; 1st - Ethan Van Ginkel 400m dash; 2nd - Daylen Mulder 800m; 1st - Jonathan Breems 1600m; 2nd - Cody Feikema long jump; 1st - Kyan Emmelkamp high jump; 2nd - Dylan Bosma high jump; 1st - 4x400m relay; 1st - 1600 medley relay

Monday, 4/17 SOCCER vs. West Sioux RESULTS: Girls soccer had a disappointing night last night with both teams losing to West Sioux. Varsity lost 0-1 and JV lost 2-3. Boys varsity lost 2-2 (4-5PK's), JV won 3-1.


JUNIORS & SENIORS - BANQUET sign-up deadlines Thursday @ 4pm!

- On the table in the office for the dodgeball and bean bag tournaments at the After Prom Party.

- OPTIONAL - In the office for a class photo along with $15 paid to Alison Obbink Photography.

Flipping Class Periods 7th and 8th - April 25 and May 1. This helps students who participate in spring sports and need to leave early for games/meets.

SUMMER JOB OPPORTUNITIES: Looking for a summer job? Be sure to check out the postings on the bulletin board near the cafeteria.

LIFE SERVE BLOOD DRIVE @ Unity is scheduled for Wednesday, May 17 from 9:00-1:30. Scan the QR code on the posters around school to register. Students 16-17 years old must obtain parent permission. Permission slips available in the office.

FFA EARLY BIRD PLANT SALES! Friday, April 28 3:45-6pm and Saturday, April 29 9am-12pm. 200+ hanging baskets, tomatoes, sweet & hot peppers, broccoli, celery, cabbage, pansies, zinnias, marigolds, coleus, verbena, impatiens, geraniums, petunias and more! Free will donations to FFA.


Bus Route Driver - Unity Christian is looking to hire a bus driver for the 2023-2024 school year. Please contact Terry Schouten at 712-737-4114 or at for more information.

Paraprofessional (new) - This hourly position will begin in the 3rd week of August and go through to the end of the 23-24 school year in the 4th week of May. Work hours are expected to be from 8:15am until 3:45pm each day. To learn more about the position contact Mrs. Dana Broers at 712-737-4114 or at

Kitchen Staff (new) - This hourly position will begin in the 3rd week of August and go through to the end of the 23-24 school year in the 4th week of May. Work hours are expected to be from 10am until 1:30pm each day. To learn more about the position contact Mrs. Becky Scholten at 712-737-4114 or at

Employment applications can be found on our website:


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