The Daily Knightline
Unity Christian High School
Thursday, September 21, 2023
Thursday: Blocks 2,4,6,8 with chapel
Officer Pollema - AM until 10:00
4:30pm - JV/V Co-Ed CC @ Sioux Center Invite - SEE NOTE BELOW RE: PARKING!
Leave @ 3:45
5:30pm - JVR/JV/V VB vs. MOC-FV - DRESS THEME CHANGE - Country vs. Country Club!
Friday: 8 periods with activity during chapel time
CLASS COLORS - Freshmen - Grey; Sophomores - Caroline Blue; Juniors - Navy; Seniors - White
ACT Registration Deadline (for Oct 28 test date)
Ultimate Rock, Paper, Scissors Activity
6:00pm - Tailgate sponsored by Rosenboom Machine & Tool and Perdue Meat served from the concession stand. The meal will be pulled pork sandwiches, chips and drink for $8.
7:00pm - V FB vs. Sheldon - DRESS THEME - White Out!
8:30am - JV VB @ Western Christian Tournament - leave @ 7:30am
9:00am - V VB @ Pentagon Tournament - leave @ 7:00am
Thurs 9/21 CC meet in Sioux Center Parking Information: There are three different options for parking.
There is a guest lot on Dordt's campus. The entrance from 4th Ave NE is closed for construction. This lot can still be accessed by entering at the soccer pitch entrance and traveling through the student parking lots. Please pass info along and we'll have people helping to direct traffic.
Limited parking spaces at the soccer pitch. (This is student parking and there is a JV soccer match happening tomorrow.)
Park in the All Seasons Center/Football Field/Dome parking lot across the street from the course to the north. This lot will provide the most parking but it is a bit of a walk. We encourage fans that can't walk a long distance to get dropped off by the soccer pitch and then their party parks their vehicle across the street.
Jr. Knights Girls Basketball Sign Up! - Basketball Season is approaching and we would like to invite girls in 5th-8th grade to join us! Fill out this form and Sign up by October 1st.
Monday, September 25 is Service Day! Dress accordingly for where your living group will be serving. Each living group has specific lunch plans so check with your living group leaders if you aren’t sure.
Gameclub will be starting on Thursday, Sept 28, after school in the cafeteria from 3:30-4:45. We will be playing strategy games such as Settlers of Catan, Puerto Rico, Ticket to Ride, Risk, etc. Everyone is welcome to join! We will meet approximately every other Thursday afternoon.