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The Daily Knightline, Thursday, November 10

Writer: Unity SecretaryUnity Secretary

The Daily Knightline

Unity Christian High School

Wednesday, November 9, 2022


Thursday: 8 period with longer chapel schedule

Chapel: Veterans Day Assembly, with Chaplain Cory Van Sloten

Officer Pollema here - AM

Deadline to register non-Unity guests for Friday’s dance in office

Busing - OCCS routes run at 2:00 SC route at 3:30

3:30 - AMC Math Competition

7:00 - Combo Night - tickets will be sold at the door for $5 each. Come and enjoy a night of music, acting, and comedy.

Friday: NO SCHOOL - Veterans Day

Friday November 11- Veterans Day Dance

- 8-11pm @ Living Water Church, Orange City

- $6 admission or $5 admission with canned food donation

- USA out dress up theme


10:30 - Student Council Intramural VB Tournament

- Teams of 6-8 students (or staff members!) can sign up via this google form

- $5 admission for all spectators (come and support your friends and family!!)

- USA out dress up theme

All admissions from the dance and volleyball tournament will be donated to Midwest Honor Flight! Midwest Honor Flight is a nonprofit organization in Northwest Iowa, South Dakota, Northeast Nebraska, and Southwest Minnesota dedicated to providing Veterans with all-expense-paid trips to Washington DC; giving respect, honor, and closure.

So many good things! We really want to encourage students and families to remember, think about, and pray for those who have served our country but also those currently serving.


Congratulations to Unity VB players honored with War Eagle All-Conference!

First Team - Gracie Schoonhoven & Tyra Schuiteman

Second Team - Haley Kuperus

Honorable Mention - Jadyn Hofmeyer

Congratulations to the VB team members honored with War Eagle Academic All-Conference! ​​Maggie Alons, Aubrey De Groot, Cassady Dekkers, Ava Nykamp, Gracie Schoonhoven, Brooklyn Vander Veen, Molly Zylstra


Sign-up sheet to bring guests to the dance on Friday night is in the office. You will need the name, grade and school of the guest.


Thursday - OCCS has 2:00 dismissal - OCCS routes run at 2:00 SC route at 3:30.

STUDENTS: A friendly reminder: Books need to be checked out before they leave the library. If no one is available to help you, there is a sign out sheet on the librarian's desk. Thank you!

STUDENTS: When you sign in and out of school, please remember to stop in the office to check in and get a pass. When you sign in, please write your FIRST AND LAST NAME, THE REASON YOU WERE LATE/LEAVING AND THE TIME YOU ARE SIGNING IN OR OUT.

The Student Council is planning to do a school-wide Operation Christmas Child box packing in a couple weeks in Living Groups. All of the shoe boxes will be provided. We need items to fill the boxes!! Students and Parents, this is where you come in! Please click on the link below, select the age group and gender of a child you would like to purchase items for. Then watch for more details for when to bring the items. Click here for Shoebox lists

Iowa High School Youth Survey: Dear parents and students: On Monday, November 14, 9th and 11th graders will meet in their Living Group locations at 8:25. Staff sponsors for each Living Group will be present and assist with starting the survey for the students by reading the instructions for the survey. The instructions are attached. At least one staff person must remain in the room the entire time students are completing the survey. At 8:25, students will receive an email with a link to the survey. Students who complete the survey before the first bell at 9:20 must remain in the classroom. They may work on homework or read a book. All 10th and 12th grade students will not be required to report to school until the first bell at 9:20 am. Those who ride the bus or have no other option but to arrive at school at 8:25 can remain in the courtyard until the first bell. Please refer to the parent email that went out this morning for more information.

Honor Cheer is an event that rewards the academic, athletic, and civic involvement of the top cheerleaders in Iowa each year. Each school is allowed to select the cheerleaders (up to three and they must be Jr or Sr) that have succeeded in the classroom and have also been involved in their churches and communities. These young people are selected by students and teachers and also have to qualify by grade point average. Honor Cheer is a celebration of cheerleading, first of all, but also the celebration of building quality young leaders in the state of Iowa.

Each year the Honor Cheer participants perform during the half-times of the playoff football games at the UNI DOME in Cedar Falls. This year they will perform during the Class 2A and Class 3A championship games.

We will leave Thursday morning, the 17th, and attend an all day practice at UNI that day, and then perform on Friday morning and afternoon. This year’s Unity participants are: Ellie Struck, Meghan Vos, and Meysi Pennings. Congratulations girls!


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