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The Daily Knightline - Thursday, May 9

Writer: Unity SecretaryUnity Secretary

The Daily Knightline

Unity Christian High School

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Weekly Lunch Schedule







Main Menu

Walking Taco

 Potato Rounds Lettuce



Breakfast Pizza

Sausage (2 or 3)

 Hashbrowns (2)

Carrot Sticks


Orange Chicken


Green Beans


Dinner roll



Dipping sticks


Smiley Fries


BBQ Pork sandwich

Potato chips

Baked Beans


A la carte item

2nd Taco


2nd Serving

2nd item

2nd sandwich

Salad Bar







Thursday - 8 Periods with Chapel

Chapel: Praise

4:00 - Girls & Boys Track - State Qualifier @ Spirit Lake - dismiss @ 1:45; lv @ 2:00

For this meet, tickets must be purchased through Hometown Ticketing and can be accessed through this link: - click “track”, then “2A” then choose the location at Spirit Lake. Fans may purchase tickets at the SOUTH gate only. The WEST gate will only be for tickets purchased through Hometown Ticketing. Thank you! 

Friday - 8 Periods

10:00am - G Golf - Regional Meet @ Landsmeer

3:45-6:00 - FFA Mother’s Day Plant Sale


9:00-1:00 - FFA Mother’s Day Plant Sale

ISTA State Honor Orchestra

8:30-12:30pm - Baseball Camp


Wed 5/8 Boys Golf results: 1st Place - 323

Titan Hulstein 76 - Medalist; Graden Van Essen 81 - 3rd Place; Adler Van Essen 83; Reece De Boom 83; Sam Erwin 83; Tait Groeneweg 87. We are excited for the opportunity to move on and play at the district meet at Landsmeer.

Tues 5/7 Soccer vs. Western:

JV boys tied with Western 0-0, and ended a great season with 7 wins, 2 losses, and 3 ties.  Varsity boys lost in OT to Western, 0-1 and will play their first postseason game on 5/20 after receiving a first-round bye. JV Girls - Lost 0-1; Varsity girls Lost 1-3.

Summer Sports Gate & Concessions Signup now open! The next sports season is here and gate and concessions need to be covered for baseball and softball. Please sign up! 


School Resource Officer Pollema - Officer Pollema has been Unity’s SRO for the past 6 years. His last day with us at Unity will be Tuesday, May 21 in the morning. He has been an invaluable blessing and positive presence in our school during these years. He will be missed! If you would like to write a note of encouragement to Officer Pollema, we will have a box for notes/cards in the office. 

Concert Choir: Auditions for the 2024-2025 Concert Choir will be held daily this week. Students desiring to audition must have taken Chorale. Contact Mr. Van Voorst if you have questions or would like to sign up for an audition.

BLOOD DRIVE - Monday, May 13 9:00-1:30 - LifeServe Blood Center will be bringing their "bloodmobile", so if you want to donate blood, you will go outside to the bus. In order to donate, you need to be 16+. If you are interested, you can sign up online via this link

If you have not donated blood before and are under age 18, you need to have a parent sign a permission form. These forms are available in the office. Turn the signed permission form in to the nurses when you donate. For those that have donated before through LifeServe, you do not need a permission form.

Unity Library books: All books need to be returned to the library ASAP. The due date for ALL books is Friday, May 17th.


5/22 - Wednesday: 1, 7, 8

5/23 - Thursday: 2, 3, 5

5/24 - Friday: 4, 6, makeup

SENIORS: Graduation gowns, caps, and tassels are ready to be picked up from the office! All three items are in a bag with your name on it. A list of seniors is on the table - please write the date and your initials next to your name when you pick up your bag. 

Tulip Festival help needed: Rope holders for the Tulip Festival are needed. Please call Jim at 707-4251 for more information. 

Summer Job Opportunity: OCCS is looking for 3 high school girls to help with summer cleaning. Approximately 5 hours a day starting at $10 an hour. If interested, text or call Mr. Kroese at 712-392-1155.


Unity Christian is seeking to hire a kitchen employee for the 24-25 school year. The hours of this position are 10am to 2pm daily. Our team is open to hiring someone who can work either 3, 4 or 5 days a week. To learn more about this opportunity please contact our head cook, Maggie Reinke at:

Bus Route Driver - Unity Christian is looking to hire a bus driver for the 2024-2025 school year. Please contact Terry Schouten at 712-737-4114 or at for more information. 

Employment applications can be found on our website: 


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