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The Daily Knightline, Thursday, March 23

Writer: Unity SecretaryUnity Secretary

The Daily Knightline

Unity Christian High School

Thursday, March 23, 2023


Thursday - Blocks 2,4,6,8

Morning Break - history day participants picture in Courtyard

Chapel: Praise

Grades due to the office by 3:30 pm!

Friday - 8 Periods - 1:30 Dismissal Knightsounds Trip to MSP

1:30 Dismissal - PD

Saturday - Knightsounds trip to MSP

Sunday - Knightsounds trip to MSP


Soccer and track seasons are upon us! We need parent support once again for Gate and Concessions workers. Click HERE to sign up online. We have events coming up soon that still need volunteers. Your help is ALWAYS appreciated!

2023 Unity Christian sports camps registration is now open! Click HERE for a list of all the camps available and the details for each camp. The link to register is at the top of that page.

Spring sports team & individual pictures schedule (taken by Alison Obbink):

Monday, March 27 - 3:40 girls soccer; 4:00 boys soccer

Tuesday, March 28 - 3:40 girls track; 4:00 boys track


WAR EAGLE CONFERENCE ACADEMIC BANQUET - each year, the War Eagle Conference recognizes students who are in the top 5% of their class academically. Freshmen and sophomores receive a certificate while juniors and seniors are invited to attend a banquet. The banquet was held Tuesday, March 21 at Trinity Christian High School in Hull. Congratulations to the following students honored this year:

Seniors: Tyce Van Beek, Brooklyn Vander Veen, Molly Zylstra, Mykayla Zylstra

Juniors: Ezra Landman, Reagan Noteboom, Rebecca Philipsen, Carissa Reinders

Sophomores: Brianna Bakker, Brynn Franken, Kortney Hofmeyer, Madison Hoogland, Morgan Hummel

Freshmen: Lily Bonnema, William Breems, Caitlin Frens, Adyson Zylstra

NATIONAL HISTORY DAY PARTICIPANTS - please meet in the courtyard on Thursday at morning break for a picture.

Officer Pollema will not be at school this week.

SAVE THE DATE! Unity Christian’s annual society meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 18 at 7:00pm in the Knight Center.

Congratulations to the following students who had artwork accepted into Dordt University's 1st Annual High School Art Showcase: Adriana Van Maanen, Lauren Vande Griend, Emilee Shrock, Autumn Bousema, and Jaelye Woudstra. Their artwork will be on display through the month of March with a showcase reception on Thursday, March 30, from 7-8pm and is open to everyone. Congratulations ladies!

DENTAL SCREENING: All students in the 9th grade are required by the state of Iowa to have a dental screening on file. If you have a child in the 9th grade and have not turned in a dental screening form please do so ASAP. They can be faxed to Unity directly from your dentist. Our fax is 712-737-2686.


We are excited to announce the hiring of Annie Baldwin as our new Dance Coach. Annie's passion for dance and encouraging young people in their walk with Jesus Christ are evident as you get to know her. Here is a small bio from Annie:

“Hi! My name is Annie Baldwin, and I am so excited to coach the dance team at Unity! This May, I will graduate from Dordt University with my degree in social work. After that, I promptly start classes for Dordt's Master of Social Work program. I am originally from Lester Prairie, Minnesota, and have been dancing at local studios since I was seven. I followed this passion throughout college and danced on Dordt's dance team. I loved my time on this team and am blessed that I can continue to pursue dance as a coach. This past summer, my husband, Carter Baldwin, and I got married, and we are now moving to the Orange City area. We are excited to settle down in this community and can't wait to see what opportunities and relationships God has in store for us.“


  1. Full time Network Administrator

  2. Kitchen Head Cook

  • If you are interested in learning more about the positions listed above, contact Mr. Wayne Dykstra at 712-737-4114 or at

Employment applications can be found on our website:


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