Lunch Menu
Thursday: Chicken strips, breadstick, carrots, green beans, pears, mixed fruit
Friday: Pizza, potato wedges, corn, mandarin oranges, bananas or chicken salad bar
Blocks 2,4,6,8
Officer Pollema here in the afternoon.
1:30 Chapel - Digital Life Videos
6:00 p.m. - FR/JV Basketball - girls away and boys home - Girls bus leaves at 4:45 p.m.
1:30 dismissal - Professional Development
6:00 p.m. - V Girls and Boys BB at Trinity Christian - Bus leaves at 4:45 p.m.
The Student Council is opening a coffee shop during afternoon break every day BUT Wednesday. Come and get your caffeine fix!
UNITY SPEECH TEAM INFORMATION MEETING: Mrs. Kuiper is hosting a meeting for anyone interested in joining Unity's speech team this semester. The speech team participates in several competitions in February and March. Speech events include: Short Film Production, Reader's Theater, Improv Team, Radio Broadcasting, Interpretive Prose and Poetry, Individual Acting, Solo Musical Theater, Storytelling, Original Oratory, and many, many others. This opportunity might also benefit anyone pursuing college scholarships in Forensics (speech) programs in the future. If you would like to hear more about the Speech team, please come to an informal meeting in the Knight Center on Monday, January 11, from 7:00-7:30. If you would like to be involved, but are not able to attend the meeting on Monday, please contact Mrs. Kuiper at Looking forward to a great Speech Season 2021!
Anyone interested in building sets or painting sets, sign up in Ms. Van Dyke's room.
Library Reminder: Books must be checked out before leaving the library. There is a check out sheet on the library counter if I am not available to assist you. Please fill in your name, the name of the book and the book's call number from the back of the book.
Thanks! Mrs. Byl