Thursday: Block 2,4,6,8 with chapel
Chapel: Pastor Van Genderen
BB vs. Gehlen Catholic - THEME: Famous Duos (PB & J, cookies & milk, etc.)
4:30 PM - JV B (Aux Gym)
4:30 PM - JV G (Main Gym)
6:00 PM - V G (Main Gym)
7:30 PM - V B (Main Gym)
Friday: 8 periods with 1:30 dismissal
BB vs. Sheldon - THEME: Red & Green Out/Festive
3:45 PM - JVR B (Aux Gym) - note change from JV boys
4:30 PM - JV G (Main Gym)
5:00 PM - JV B (Aux Gym) - note change from JVR boys
6:00 PM - V G (Main Gym)
7:30 PM - V B (Main Gym)
5:00-7:00 PM - Tailgate pulled pork meal in the courtyard sponsored by American State Bank, American Investment & Trust and Perspective Insurance. Come join us!
Quiz Bowl @ MOC
ACT test date
Tues. 12/11 BB @ Okoboji: JV B - Won 70-50; JV G - Won 51-27; V G - Won 59-30; V B - Won 86-62
OLD LOCKER ROOMS: The old locker rooms MUST be cleaned out TODAY before the home basketball game since the visiting team will be using them.
NEW LOCKER ROOMS: New locker rooms are for in-season athletes only. Old locker rooms are available for everyone else.
2025 Jr Knights Dance Camp on January 10th. The Unity Christian Dance Team is excited to be hosting our annual Kids Camp again this year! Camp is for students grades Kindergarten through 8th. Click HERE to register by December 20th.
Parents & Students: Things to keep in mind for semester:
Students don’t have to be here until their exam time.
Once here, students cannot leave the building until their exams for the day are done. If they have an exam the first and third exam periods of the day, they cannot leave the building in between testing times.
Exam change forms are on the counter in the office by the phone. Turn into the office or Mr. Holwerda. He will take care of getting teacher signatures.
FROM THE LIBRARY: All books are due TODAY Thursday Dec 12! Please return those to the library ASAP. For those who have just recently checked out books, please talk to one of the librarians if you'd like to keep a book over the holidays.
Tuesday, December 17, we will be having a Christmas dress-up day. Wear your favorite ugly Christmas sweater, Christmas PJ's, the colors red and green, or whatever else you may have! There will also be free hot chocolate and cookies during second break that day. Freshman and Sophmores please go to the cafeteria to get it, and Juniors and Seniors go to the courtyard. Merry Christmas!
LUNCH ROOM ANNOUNCEMENT: The lunch room fridge needs to be cleaned out by the end of the day Tuesday, 12/17. Everything left will be thrown away.
Auditions for Unity's spring production, The Miracle Worker, will be Dec. 16 and 17. You may sign up for an audition slot in Ms. Van Dyke's room.
FFA Soup Supper: The Unity Christian FFA is hosting their annual soup supper on December 16 from 4:30-6:30pm prior to our Christmas Concert. The soup supper will take place in the Unity cafeteria. Free will donations will be taken. Come and enjoy food and fellowship while supporting future FFA projects!
BALCONY GAMES: The games in the balcony are not to be used after school; they are only for use during lunch breaks.
COIN WAR Dec. 9-13 sponsored by Student Council - a giving opportunity for students
For those of you who don't know what a coin war is; each class will get their own jug. These jugs will be located on the front table in the office. Your job is to bring in your spare change to fill in your jug. However, you can sabotage other classes' jugs by putting bills in them. The bills will subtract the cost of the coins. For instance, if your class has $1.15 in coins in their jug, and someone puts a $1 bill in the jug, your class's jug will then only be worth $0.15.
The goal amount in all that we are hoping to raise is $1,000. If we meet that goal, the student council will choose two teachers to dress up in funny costumes for the day. The class with the highest amount will also receive a prize. All profits will be split between the Genesis House and World Renew.
Unity Christian High School is seeking applications for a new Kitchen Staff position that will begin January 2025. We are considering part time and full time applications. Work hours are expected to be from 10am until 1:30pm each day. To learn more about the position contact Mrs. Maggie Reinke at 712-737-4114 or at mreinke@unitychristian.net. Applications can be found on our website: https://www.unitychristian.net/employment