Today: Calzone, Broccoli Normandy, carrot sticks, applesauce, grapes or ham salad bar
Tomorrow: Hamburger, French fries, baked beans, dill pickle spears, pineapple, strawberries or chicken salad bar
Today: Officer Pollema here in the a.m.
· 5:30 JV Football at Hartley/Melvin/Sanborn – bus leaves at 4:00
Tomorrow: Noon – Mom’s in Prayer at Dykstra’s Home
· 4:30 JV/V Co-ed Cross Country – Western Invite in Hull at the Rolling Hills Golf Course
Dismiss at 2:50 and bus leaves at 3:10
· 5:00 F/JV/V Volleyball at West Sioux – FR/JV dismiss at 3:25 bus leaves at 3:45 and Varsity bus leaves at 4:45.
· The first Quiz Bowl practice will happen on Wednesday during lunch. If you weren't able to attend last week's meeting but would still like to learn more information about Quiz Bowl, please email or talk to Mr. Mouw. There's a signup sheet on the door of Room 113.