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The Daily Knightline, Monday, October 23

Writer: Unity SecretaryUnity Secretary

The Daily Knightline

Unity Christian High School

Monday, October 23, 2023


Monday - 8 periods

Officer Pollema - AM

7:00pm - Fall Concert

Knight Store will be open during concert

Tuesday - 8 periods with chapel

Chapel: Dan Elgersma

8:40am - FFA Ag Safety Day - OCCS & Ireton 5th/6th grades

3:40 pm - CAST practice

Wednesday - Blocks 1,3,5,7 with chapel

Chapel: Cast

1:45 - Tornado Drill

Thursday - Blocks 2,4,6,8

Living Groups

NWI Christian School Orchestra Festival

NOON - State Cross Country Fan Bus sign-up deadline

Friday - 8 periods - 11:50 Dismissal

End of 1st Quarter

Officer Pollema - AM

Saturday - ACT test date

V CC State Meet - 10:30 girls; 11:15 boys


STATE CROSS COUNTRY FAN BUS: Any student interested in riding a fan bus to the State Cross Country meet on Saturday can sign up in the office. You must sign up by Thursday at noon. There is no charge to ride the bus.

STATE CROSS COUNTRY TICKETS: ALL spectators who wish to attend the State Cross Country meet in Fort Dodge on Saturday, October 28, will need to purchase a ticket! It doesn’t matter whether you ride a Fan Bus or drive your own car. All tickets include a parking pass. Tickets can be purchased HERE.

Thurs 10/19 V Co-ed CC State Qualifying Meet @ Landsmeer results:

Congrats to the Boys Cross Country team on winning their State Qualifying Meet and Advancing to the state meet. The Knights were led by All-District performances from Tyler Rozenboom in 8th place, Stephen Schreurs in 9th place, Ethan Wynia in 10th place, Daylen Mulder in 12th place, and Ezra Landman in 15th place.

Girls cross country competed well last night placing 1st in our state qualifying meet! Katie Young finished 1st with Olivia Hoogland right behind finishing in 4th. Abby Klompien also finished within the top 15, placing 11th. Congratulations ladies on qualifying for state next week Saturday!

Thurs 10/19 V VB Regional Tournament @ MOC-FV result: lost 3-2 in a hard fought match. Congratulations on a great season and thank you for representing Unity well!

Winter Online Apparel Store Closes Today! Remember the online store closes TODAY at 11:59PM! This is the last chance to order before Christmas. Basketball shirts, professional wear, many new clothing options (including big and tall) and this year's Unity general design are all available. Christmas shoppers: The Knight Store will be open during tonight’s concert. There are some new name-brand Unity gifts starting to arrive - only available when the Knight Store is open. If you have any questions, please contact Heidi Van Ginkel (712-463-2450) or Rachelle Oordt (712-441-0185). Thanks for your continued support of our Booster Club!


ALL STATE: Congratulations to each of the 23 Unity musicians who individually competed on Saturday for a place in the All-State Band, Chorus, and Orchestra. The following students will be representing Unity Christian at the All-State Music Festival in Ames on November 16-18. This is the highest honor a high school musician can obtain. Band: Mikayla Vollink, trombone 3. Orchestra: Laura Ross, violin 2; Caitlin Frens, violin alternate; Jaiden Kooima, viola; Lydia Vander Werff, viola alternate; Benjamin Ploegstra, cello; Brynn Vanden Brink cello alternate; Jocelyn Muilenburg, string bass.

QUIZ BOWL results: After a long day at Whiting on Saturday, our JV quiz bowl team of Mikaiah Pennings, David Taylor, Ben Van Genderen, and Joel Kuperus, came out in first place. Our varsity team of William Breems, Hezekiah Hanson, Dylan Koelewyn, and Layne Vos finished in second. Great job to all of them!

NEW LOCKER ROOMS CLEAN OUT! FB, VB and CC students - please clean out the new locker rooms by end of the day Tuesday, October 24! Varsity CC please clean out Monday, Oct 30.

LOST & FOUND: Students, please stop by the lost and found table to see if any of the items there are yours! There are a lot of items that have been found and not claimed so far this year, including clothing items, lunch bags, etc. Any unclaimed items will be donated to Legacy Thrift after Friday, October 27.


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