The Daily Knightline
Unity Christian High School
Monday, March 20, 2023
Monday - Bell Schedule - 2 hour late start - 8 periods
Standardized Testing Gr 9/10 8:25-10:25
Officer Pollema - AM
5:00pm - Dordt Indoor Track Meet
Tuesday - Bell Schedule - 2 hour late start - 8 periods
Standardized Testing Gr 9/10 8:25-10:25
NO Chapel
12:00 - Moms in Prayer
Sioux Center Chamber Ag Luncheon - FFA Officers & Farm Mgmt Class
6:30 pm - WEC Academic Banquet at Trinity Christian in Hull
Wednesday - Blocks 1,3,5,7
Living Groups
Thursday - Blocks 2,4,6,8
Chapel: Praise
Grades due to the office by 3:30 pm!
Friday - 8 Periods - 1:30 Dismissal Knightsounds Trip to MSP
Officer Pollema - AM
1:30 Dismissal - PD
Saturday - Knightsounds trip to MSP
Sunday - Knightsounds trip to MSP
Soccer and track seasons are upon us! We will need parent support once again for Gate and Concessions workers. Here is the link to the sign up form. Your help is ALWAYS appreciated!
Officer Pollema will not be at school this week.
STANDARDIZED TESTING - today and tomorrow, March 20 & 21, freshmen and sophomores will be taking standardized tests from 8:25 to 10:15 or so. Regular classes for all grades will start at 10:25 am, and we will follow the 2 hour late start 8 period bell schedule that day (bottom of page 2 of the linked schedule).
Congratulations to the following students who had artwork accepted into Dordt University's 1st Annual High School Art Showcase: Adriana Van Maanen, Lauren Vande Griend, Emilee Shrock, Autumn Bousema, and Jaelye Woudstra. Their artwork will be on display through the month of March with a showcase reception on Thursday, March 30, from 7-8pm and is open to everyone. Congratulations ladies!
DENTAL SCREENING: All students in the 9th grade are required by the state of Iowa to have a dental screening on file. If you have a child in the 9th grade and have not turned in a dental screening form please do so ASAP. They can be faxed to Unity directly from your dentist. Our fax is 712-737-2686.
Full time Network Administrator
Kitchen Head Cook
If you are interested in learning more about the positions listed above, contact Mr. Wayne Dykstra at 712-737-4114 or at
Employment applications can be found on our website: