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The Daily Knightline, Monday, January 6

Writer: Unity SecretaryUnity Secretary


Monday: 8 periods

JVR G/B BB @ Central Lyon - lv @ 4:30 pm

6:00 PM - JVR G 

7:15 PM - JVR B

Tuesday: 8 periods with chapel

Chapel: Rev. Larry Doughan

JV/V G/B BB @ Sioux Center - THEME - JERSEY OUT

4:30 PM - JV G (High School) 

4:30 PM - JV B (Middle School) 

6:00 PM - V G (High School) 

7:30 PM - V B (High School)

Click HERE to purchase tickets ahead of time. No cash sales at the door. Credit/debit accepted.

Wednesday: Block 1,3,5,7

Thursday: Block 2,4,6,8 with chapel

7:30 AM - Baseball Mtg. - more details below

Chapel: Spanish 3 and 4

Friday: 8 periods with 11:50 Dismissal

4:00-6:30 PM - Dance camp

JVR G/B, V B BB vs. Sibley Ocheyedan - THEME - NAVY OUT

4:45 PM - JVR G (Main Gym) 

6:00 PM - JVR B (Main Gym) 

7:30 PM - V B (Main Gym)

FREE popcorn - first 300 bags - compliments of West Branch Ag. (owners Charlie & Jamie Zomermaand)

Click HERE to purchase tickets ahead of time. No cash sales at the door. Credit/debit accepted.


NWIBA Honor Band


Fri. 1/3 BB vs. West Lyon: JVR B - Won 46-31; JV G - Lost 40-50; JV B - Lost 33-48; V G - Lost 42-59; V B - Lost 69-71

Thursday (1/9) - Baseball Meeting: All boys interested in baseball this summer, please meet upstairs in room 202 @ 7:30 AM.


REMINDER: Unity families who received ESA funds this year will receive an email from Odyssey in early January to confirm their second semester tuition amount. This email will be generated once Unity has entered your second semester tuition balance.  Be on the lookout for that Odyssey email in the first two weeks of January! Questions? Email Brittany Foreman at  

Planning ahead! In January the Guatemala team will be selling softener salt through Water Werks as a fundraiser for their mission trip. So if you are running low, we'd love for you to buy your salt through the team soon after Christmas break. Watch for info to come!


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