The Daily Knightline
Unity Christian High School
Monday, February 28, 2022
Lunch Today: No Lunch - 11:50 dismissal
Lunch Tomorrow: Chicken sandwich, french fries, green bean casserole, mandarin oranges, banana or ham salad bar
Today: 11:50 dismissal
5:00 Girls State Basketball vs. Davenport Assumption
Tomorrow: Chapel - Jon Eveland
Noon - Moms in Prayer
Congratulations to James Bouma for making the IBCA All-Substate Team!
Congratulations to Gracie Schoonhoven and Tyra Schuiteman for making the IBCA All-Substate Team! Go Knights!
What a great day of individual speech! Absolutely everyone performed so well, and 16 students will be moving on to state, which is March 12 at Woodbury-Central.
Boys Track: After 2 strenuous days of competition, Levi Landman prevailed as the Knight's Track Decathlon Champion. Second place went to Ethan Van Ginkel and third place went to Caleb Van Ginkel.
All Locker Rooms need to be cleared out by Wednesday. Whatever is left will be donated.