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The Daily Knightline, Monday, February 27

Writer: Unity SecretaryUnity Secretary

The Daily Knightline

Unity Christian High School

Monday, February 27, 2023

DAILY SCHEDULE - Spiritual Renewal Week!

Monday: 8 periods - long chapel

Chapel: Rev. Tim Breen

3:45 pm - boys soccer meeting in Room 202

Tuesday: 8 periods - long chapel

Chapel: Rev. Tim Breen

12:00 - Moms in Prayer

11:59pm - Spring Online Knight Store closes! Last day to order!

Wednesday: Blocks 1,3,5,7

Living Groups

Officer Pollema here AM

Thursday: Blocks 2,4,6,8 with chapel

Chapel: Rev. Tim Breen

10:45 - 3:30 - TEAMS Competition

Friday: 8 periods - 1:30 Dismissal - PD


BOYS SOCCER: All boys interested in playing soccer this spring should meet in Room 202 TODAY at 3:45pm.

Spring Online Knight Store: Remember to get your orders in for spring apparel to support your golf, track and soccer participants this season!! The online store will close at midnight on Tuesday, February 28. If you have any questions contact Missy Driesen (712-578-9927) or Heidi Van Ginkel (712-463-2450). Thanks for supporting the Unity Booster Club.


District Speech Results: District individual speech was a day packed with performances! We received some 2 ratings and several 1 ratings. Those who received 1 ratings will advance to state at Fort Dodge on March 11!

1 Rating: Kara Van Genderen (x2 events), Madelyn Biemers, Elijah Nyenhuis, Clark Stiemsma, Ben Van Genderen (x2 events), Aubrey Kuiper, Rebecca Philipsen, Lydia Vander Werff, Eden Moreau, Maria Wang, Reagan Van Beek

2 Rating: Meysi Pennings, Kendra Breems, Janet Pan, Ava Postma, Emilee Schrock

SPIRITUAL RENEWAL WEEK 2/27-3/2: This week Pastor Tim Breen will be leading us through a series he calls "The Bible Museum." He will speak on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. He will provide us a devotional for Living Groups on Wednesday in line with his talks.

SPRING PLAY HELP: Anyone interested in helping with hair and makeup for the play, sign up in Ms. Van Dyke's room.

PARENTS: The Unity Spring play is right around the corner and we have a need for adult ushers for all three nights. If you can help, HERE is the form you can sign up on. TAKE NOTE: please read the instructions on the form. There is a dress code for ushers! Tickets go on sale today for Sarah Plain and Tall can be purchased online. There's a link on Unity's homepage. Thank you!


1. Full time Network Administrator

- If you are interested in learning more about the positions listed above, contact Mr. Wayne Dykstra at 712-737-4114 or at

2. Kitchen staff positions. These hourly positions will begin in the 3rd week of August and go through to the end of the 23-24 school year in the 4th week of May. Work hours are expected to be from 10am until 1:30pm each day.

- To learn more about the position contact Mrs. Becky Scholten at 712-737-4114 or at

Employment applications can be found on our website:


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