Monday - 8 periods
Tuesday - 8 periods with chapel
7:15am - boys soccer informational meeting - upstairs classroom
Chapel - Cody Statema
3:45pm - Science Fair judging
Wednesday - Block 1,3,5,7 with Living Groups
Living Groups
Jostens Rep here to meet with freshmen during LGs
Officer Pollema - PM
Thursday - Block 2,4,6,8 with chapel
Longer chapel bells
Chapel - Ben Jans
6:30pm - Science Fair
Friday - 8 periods - 1:30 dismissal (professional development)
Officer Pollema - AM
Deadline to order spring sports apparel
Saturday - FFA District Contest
CONGRATULATIONS to Coach Harskamp and the Varsity Boys basketball team on making it to State!
Next week’s schedule:
Monday, March 4 - School all day
Tuesday, March 5 - No school - boys basketball plays at 12:15pm in Des Moines
Wednesday March 6 - school regardless of a win or a loss (no Block - 8 period day with chapel)
Thursday, March 7 - if we play that day - no school (game would be at 12:15pm); if we don’t play, 8 period day with LGs
Friday, March 8 - if we play that day - no school (game would be at 3:00pm); if we don’t play, regular 8 period day
Orders for the Boys Basketball State online store are due by NOON TODAY! https://cfpromo.chipply.com/boysstatebasketball/
Spring Sports Apparel Online Store (and the KNIGHTS design apparel) is now open thru Friday, March 1. The expected delivery date will be March 28. Thank you in advance for your support! Your order benefits all students in all extracurricular activities at Unity!
If you have any questions, please contact Heidi Van Ginkel at 712-463-2450 or Rachelle Oordt at 712-441-0185.
Informational meeting - all boys interested in soccer meet with Coach Lee tomorrow, 2/27 @ 7:15am in the upstairs classroom.
Retreat/Kickoff Event - Saturday, March 9 from 5:30-8:00pm. Meet in the cafeteria for the meal at 5:30pm.
Soccer & Golf Practices officially begin Monday, March 11.
District Speech: Our students rocked district speech! All performers did so well, and we are proud of the efforts they have put in. We have 13 people moving on to state speech: Meysi Pennings, Madelyn Beimers, Eden Moreau, Ben Van Genderen, Aubrey Kuiper, Elijah Nyenhuis, Eden Hawley, Olivia Murphy, Kendra Breems, Lydia Vander Werff, Bella Bebb, Eliana Zhang, and Annika Goslinga.
“Little House on the Prairie” musical tickets are on sale! We are using Bound for tickets. You will be able to pick the seats that you want. Go into Unity Christian Bound ticketing, choose the date/performance you want to attend, then click on the ticketing link which will take you to the checkout process. Adults are $13, students K-12 are $8.
Reminder: Jr./Sr. Banquet registration forms are due by this Wednesday, March 6!
2023-2024 Yearbook Order Form - click on the link and complete the form for your yearbook orders! Deadline to order is Friday, March 15!