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The Daily Knightline - Monday, February 1

Writer: Unity SecretaryUnity Secretary


10:00 a.m. Senior Cap and Gown Measurements

6:00 p.m. Freshmen Girls and Boys BB vs. Western at Home


4:30 p.m. Freshmen Girls and Boys BB at West Sioux

4:30 p.m. JV/V Boys and V Girls BB at Remsen St. Mary’s

*JV Boys dismiss at 3:15 p.m. and leave at 3:30 p.m. and V leaves at 4:30 p.m.


Lost and Found there are a lot of items that were left around school that can be picked up in the office. A “L” necklace has been turned in as well as some Bluetooth earbuds. Please come and check out to see if any of these items are yours!

Juniors and seniors interested in an ACT prep night can sign up in Mr. Byma's office. Registration is $10. The prep night will be February 1 from 5:30-7 PM in the Knight Center.

Soup Supper: Unity Christian sophomore class will be holding a Pandemic Soup Supper on February 25. Just like many things this year, it will be done a little differently. The class will be taking orders for soup and tavern until February 3. Participants will pick up their soup and/or tavern on February 25 from school and then warm to eat it that evening or freeze for later use. The order form is available on Unity's website on the green banner. Free will donation will be taken on February 25 as the food is handed out. If you are not able to order online, food can also be ordered by calling Unity at 737-4114. This is the link

FFA Fruit Sales began on January 15 and will end on February 10th. Make checks to Unity Christian FFA. Delivery is during March 1-5th. The link is on our website.


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