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The Daily Knightline, Monday, December 4

Writer: Unity SecretaryUnity Secretary

The Daily Knightline

Unity Christian High School

Monday, December 4, 2023


Monday - 8 periods

DRESS UP DAY - Christmas Vacation - wear a tropical shirt, sunglasses, etc.

3:30pm - Little House Auditions

6:00pm - JVR B BB vs. MOC-FV - 2 games (main gym)

Tuesday - 8 periods with chapel

DRESS UP DAY - Holiday Cheer - wear a favorite team jersey

Chapel: Dan Antoine

3:30pm - Little House Auditions

BB @ Boyden-Hull – JV dismiss @ 3:05; leave @ 3:20; V leave @ 4:30

4:30pm - JV G (Hull Community Building)

4:30pm - JV B (main gym)

6:00pm - V G (main gym)

7:30pm - V B BB (main gym)

Wednesday - Blocks 1,3,5,7

DRESS UP DAY - Holiday Hat

Living Groups

Officer Pollema - ALL DAY

3:30pm - Little House grade school auditions

Thursday - Blocks 2,4,6,8 with chapel

DRESS UP DAY - Team Santa or Team Grinch - wear red or green

Chapel: Pastor Jordan Helming

BB @ Gehlen Catholic– JV dismiss @ 3:00; leave @ 3:15; V leave @ 4:30

4:30pm - JV G (back gym)

4:30pm - JV B (main gym)

6:15pm - V G (main gym)

7:30pm - V B (main gym)

Friday - 8 periods - 1:30 Dismissal

DRESS UP DAY - Cowboy Christmas - Yee Haw! Merry Christmas Y’all!

Officer Pollema - AM

BB @ Rock Valley – JV leave @ 3:15; V leave @ 4:30

4:30pm - JV G (main gym)

4:30pm - JV B (Rock Valley elementary school)

6:00pm - V G (main gym)

7:30pm - V B (main gym)

4:30-7:30 - 7th/8th AAU VB Tryouts - main gym

Saturday - ACT Test Date

12:30-3:30 - 5th/6th AAU VB Tryouts - aux gym


Fri 12/1 BB vs. Sibley-Ocheyedan scores: JV Girls - Won 64-22; JV Boys - Won 61-26; Varsity Boys - Won 91-38


Nurse Anna De Groot’s days at UCHS have changed for the week. She will be here Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. Usually from 9:00-11:00am.

Quiz Bowl results: Two of our quiz bowl teams traveled to Spirit Lake on Saturday to compete in their meet. Our varsity team, consisting of Hezekiah Hanson, Dylan Koelewyn, Riley Mulder, Meysi Pennings, and Mikaiah Pennings, took home first place out of the 16 teams that competed.

Auditions for Little House on the Prairie begin today. Please be at the Knight Center with your audition materials filled out.

NICSTO giving Deadline December 7!!

We use NICSTO funds for providing financial aid to families who have a financial need. As of 11-27-23, Unity has $190,000 left to raise to meet our NICSTO goal. Giving to NICSTO provides you with a tax credit of 75% of what you contribute.

We need to have our donation goal met by December 7, otherwise our unclaimed funds will become eligible for other schools. If you have any questions about this opportunity please email Wayne Dykstra at

DANCE TEAM STATE: The Iowa State Dance Team Competition is the biggest in the nation and the Unity Christian Dance Team was very successful. They learned their three routines in October and practiced 4 mornings a week until leaving for state. The UCDT got Division 1 for their lights routine! (To get a Division 1 rating you need an average of 80 points). Congratulations to Lyndsey Calkhoven, Jaiden Kooima, Laura Ross, Faith Elgersma, Jenna Folkerts, Addison Jacobsma, and Marcella Namwanje! A big thank you to Coach Annie Baldwin for all the time she put into preparing these girls for state. We wish them the best of luck as they perform these routines and continue to use their gifts to glorify God during the basketball season! Thank you for representing our school!

12 Dress Up Days of Christmas!

Mon, Dec 4 Christmas Vacation - wear a tropical shirt, sunglasses, etc.

Tues, Dec 5 Holiday Cheer - wear a favorite team jersey

Wed, Dec 6, Holiday Hat

Thurs, Dec 7 Team Santa or Team Grinch - wear red or green

Fri, Dec 8 Cowboy Christmas - Yee Haw! Merry Christmas Y’all!

Mon, Dec 11 Polar Express - pajama day

Tues, Dec 12 Favorite Christmas or Holiday Movie Character

Wed, Dec 13 Dress like a Christmas tree or present

Thurs, Dec 14 Winter Wonderland - wear your snow gear

Fri, Dec 15 Feeling Frosty - White Out

Mon, Dec 18 Holiday Hat


Unity Christian High School has an immediate opening for a part time school nurse. To learn more about the position contact Mr. Wayne Dykstra at 712-737-4114 or at An hourly application form can be found on our website:


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