Monday: 8 periods with chapel
Chapel time will be used for music practice for the concert - if you are not in the concert tonight, you will have a study hall in your Living Group room
3:30 PM - The Miracle Worker auditions
Auditions for The Miracle Worker begin today in the Knight Center. They will begin at 3:30. There will be an audition sheet to fill out before you audition. They will be by the doors to the Knight Center.
4:30-6:30 PM - FFA Soup Supper
7:00 PM - Christmas Concert
Tuesday: 8 periods with chapel
Christmas Dress-up Day!
Chapel: Advent Service
Lunch room fridges - clean out by end of day!
3:30 PM - The Miracle Worker auditions
There will be an audition sheet to fill out before you audition. They will be by the doors to the Knight Center.
Wednesday: EXAMS 1,4,8 - 12:00 Dismissal
Thursday: EXAMS 2,3,5 - 12:00 Dismissal
6:00 PM V G BB @ Tyson Events Center - lv @ 3:45
Friday: EXAMS 6,7, Make up - 12:00 Dismissal
12/21 - 1/1 - NO SCHOOL - Christmas Break!
Fri 12/13 BB vs. Sheldon scores: JVR B - Won 55-19; JV G - Won 46-11; JV B - Won 64-16; V G - Won 65-11; V B - Won 61-32
Thurs. 12/12 BB vs. Gehlen Catholic: JV B - Won 49-27 ; JV G - Won 41-16; V G - Won 59-39; V B - Won 79-31
2025 Jr Knights Dance Camp on January 10. The Unity Christian Dance Team is excited to be hosting our annual Kids Camp again this year! Camp is for students grades Kindergarten through 8th. Click HERE to register by December 20.
Parents & Students: Things to keep in mind for semester:
Students don’t have to be here until their exam time.
Once here, students cannot leave the building until their exams for the day are done. If they have an exam the first and third exam periods of the day, they cannot leave the building in between testing times.
FFA Soup Supper: The Unity Christian FFA is hosting their annual soup supper TODAY December 16 from 4:30-6:30pm prior to our Christmas Concert. The soup supper will take place in the Unity cafeteria. Free will donations will be taken. Come and enjoy food and fellowship while supporting future FFA projects!
Tuesday, December 17, we will be having a Christmas dress-up day. Wear your favorite ugly Christmas sweater, Christmas PJ's, the colors red and green, or whatever else you may have! There will also be free hot chocolate and cookies during second break that day. Freshman and Sophmores please go to the cafeteria to get it, and Juniors and Seniors go to the courtyard. Merry Christmas!
LUNCH ROOM ANNOUNCEMENT: The lunch room fridge needs to be cleaned out by the end of the day Tuesday, 12/17. Everything left will be thrown away.
Planning ahead! In January the Guatemala team will be selling softener salt through Water Werks as a fundraiser for their mission trip. So if you are running low, we'd love for you to buy your salt through the team soon after Christmas break. Watch for info to come!
Locker Rooms: Please clean out the locker rooms before you leave for Christmas break!
Lost & Found: Please check the lost and found table before you leave for Christmas break!
Unity Christian High School is seeking applications for a new Kitchen Staff position that will begin January 2025. We are considering part time and full time applications. Work hours are expected to be from 10am until 1:30pm each day. To learn more about the position contact Mrs. Maggie Reinke at 712-737-4114 or at mreinke@unitychristian.net. Applications can be found on our website: https://www.unitychristian.net/employment