The Daily Knightline
Unity Christian High School
Monday, December 11, 2023
Monday - 8 periods
DRESS UP DAY - Polar Express - pajama day
Officer Pollema - AM
6:00pm - JVR B BB vs. Hinton (main gym)
Tuesday - 8 periods
DRESS UP DAY - Favorite Christmas or Holiday Movie Character
4:30pm - JV/V G/B BB vs. Okoboji
JV G (aux gym)
JV B (main gym)
V G (main gym)
V B (main gym)
Knight Store will be open after the JV games!
Wednesday - 8 periods (NO BLOCK)
DRESS UP DAY - Dress like a Christmas tree or present
Hallelujah Chorus OR Living Groups Study Hall
Thursday - 8 periods (NO BLOCK)
DRESS UP DAY - Winter Wonderland - Winter gear
Living Groups - Christmas Parties
NOON - Exam Change Forms Due!!
Knight Store will be open tonight!
4:30-6:30pm - FFA Soup Supper
7:00pm - Christmas Concert
Friday - 8 periods
DRESS UP DAY - Feeling Frosty - White Out
Officer Pollema - PM
BB @ Sheldon – JV dismiss @ 3:05; leave @ 3:20; V leave @ 4:30
4:30pm - JV G (high school)
4:30pm - JV B (middle school)
6:00pm - V G (high school)
7:30pm - V B (high school)
BB Pictures: Basketball pictures have arrived! Stop in the office to pick yours up!
Thurs 12/7 BB @ Gehlen Catholic scores: JV G - Won 51-23; JV B - Won 58-39; V G - Won 46-32; V B - Won 52-45
Fri 12/8 BB @ Rock Valley scores: JV Girls - Lost 28-42; JV Boys - Won 54-38; Varsity Girls - Lost 37-56; Varsity Boys - Won 52-40
Dance Team Performance: The UCDT will be performing their State Hip Hop routine at the halftime of the varsity boys game Tuesday night.
Christmas shopping at the Knight Store. The Knight Store will be open after the JV Girls game on Tuesday night, and Thursday night during the FFA Soup Supper and Christmas concert for any Christmas gift needs. A couple new items are the Unity blankets and tumblers!
Join TEAMS (Tests of Engineering Aptitude, Mathematics, and Science) today! If you would like to participate in TEAMS this year or have questions about it, please email or talk to Mrs. Nyenhuis before Christmas break. We will have 2-4 meetings in January/February with the final competition in March.
ACT Prep Course will be offered in March by Mrs. Clark. Details will be sent out when they are available.
Congratulations to a number of Unity students who have their art displayed in the MOC-FV/Unity art show that is being held at Northwestern Art Gallery. If you want to go take a peek at what we've been creating, head on over to Korver Art Center from now until December 12. On the 12th at 7:00 pm, there will also be a closing reception with some food and great conversation about the students and all of their hard work on the projects displayed.
Exam change forms are on the counter in the office by the snowmen/gnome. They are due back to the office by Thursday, Dec 14 @ Noon. Make sure they have the proper signatures!
12 Dress Up Days of Christmas!
Tues, Dec 12 Favorite Christmas or Holiday Movie Character
Wed, Dec 13 Dress like a Christmas tree or present
Thurs, Dec 14 Winter Wonderland - wear your snow gear
Fri, Dec 15 Feeling Frosty - White Out
Mon, Dec 18 Sweater Weather Day - wear your best ugly Christmas sweater
Unity Christian High School has an immediate opening for a part time school nurse. To learn more about the position contact Mr. Wayne Dykstra at 712-737-4114 or at An hourly application form can be found on our website: