The Daily Knightline
Unity Christian High School
Friday, September 30, 2022
Today: Periods 1-8
7:00 PM, V FB vs CL - GLR; Cross Country Senior Night at half-time
Dress Theme for tonight's football game is BLACK OUT!
Monday: Periods 1-8
JUNIOR CAREER DAY AT NCC. Students gone from 8:45-12:00
5:30 PM, JV FB @ Hinton
6:00 PM, FR/JV VB @ Gehlen Triangular (UC, GC, KP)
PICTURE RETAKE DAY will be Tues, Oct 4
KNIGHT STORE OPEN. The Booster Club will have the Knight Store open tonight at the football game. We have finally received some of our items that were on back order so come on out and do some shopping and support the Booster Club!
FRIDAY NIGHT TAILGATE: This week’s tailgate at the football game is pork loin sandwiches served from the concession stand sponsored by Julie Dragstra.
UNITY FAMILY: Thank you to all the families that have sent in pictures for the family tree in our Courtyard. If you haven’t sent your’s in, please do so! We have plenty of room! Our goal is to get to know the names and faces of our 225 Unity families. If you have a split household, we would like photos of both families. Please send digital pictures and names to Thank you for your help! We look forward to receiving your
A REMINDER TO ALL STUDENTS: You need to sign in and out in the office whenever you come bact to or leave school. PARENTS: Please remind your students of this. Thanks for your help and understanding!!