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The Daily Knightline - Friday, December 3

Writer: Unity SecretaryUnity Secretary

Lunch Today: Pizza, potato wedges, lettuce with dressing, applesauce, grapes or taco salad

Lunch Monday: Pancakes, sausages, hash browns, carrot sticks, grapes, banana or taco salad bar

Today: 7:15 Bel Canto Rehearsal

State Dance in Des Moines

3:45 JV/V Girls and Boys BB vs. Spirit Lake at Home

Tomorrow: 3:00 - 5:00 Girls Freshmen BB Tournament at Woodbury Central

Sports Report:

Freshmen girls lost and freshmen boys won their games against Sioux Center last night.

The Dance Team received division one (high score) ratings in hip hop, novelty, and lights as well as a 2nd place trophy for lights! They also received a Distinguished Academic Award for having a team average GPA between 3.5 and 4.0!


Thanks to all who auditioned for The Wizard of Oz. The cast list will be mailed to all who auditioned this afternoon and the list will be posted after break this afternoon.

Anyone interested in helping with sets/lights/sound for the Wizard of Oz may sign up in Ms. Van Dyke’s room.

Bel Canto: Any girls who enjoy singing are welcome and encouraged to join Bel Canto for its first rehearsal on Friday morning at 7:15. If you have questions, talk to Mr. Van Voorst.

Seniors please stop by the office and check off your name if it is written correctly for your graduation diploma. Thank you!

End of Year Giving Opportunity

The Student Council is sponsoring a drive to serve a need at the US - Mexico border.

One of our staff, Karla Byl and her husband, along with a group from Youth Front in Kansas City, hope to travel to the border city, Ciudad Acuna, to serve the Haitian migrants there. The group hopes to bring support, food, and supplies to these Haitian brothers and sisters. The most needed donations include good used or new sleeping bags, sleeping cots, winter clothing, diapers, toiletry kits, shoes, socks and underwear. If you feel called to donate to the cause, please bring your donations to Unity before Tuesday, December 15.


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