The Daily Knightline
Unity Christian High School
Friday, April 1, 2022
Lunch Today: Pizza, potato wedges, lettuce with dressing, applesauce, grapes or taco salad bar
Lunch Monday: Chicken sandwich, french fries, green bean casserole, mandarin oranges, banana or ham salad bar
Today: Solo/Ensemble Festival - schedule attached
Afternoon Break - Comm II Bake Sale Take 2! Proceeds benefit the organization Call to Freedom. This is a group in Sioux Falls that supports victims of human trafficking. We will have multiple lines to move things along quickly. Rollo cookies, cookie dough, brownies, cupcakes, snack mixes, drinks and more!
Saturday: WEC Quiz Bowl Meet
Sunday: Knightsounds at Immanuel CRC (Orange City)
JV/V Boys Soccer vs. West Sioux - Home
JV/V Girls Soccer vs. West Sioux - Away - Bus leaves at 3:45.
Atlas, Northwestern and Young Life are sponsoring a weekly event called Impact 180. Impact 180 is for all high school students in the area and is a time of fellowship, food, tutoring, small group time and video games. Meetings will be on Tuesdays from 3:30-5:00 and Fridays from 1:30-3:00 at City Hall. Students can come just for fellowship, or they can earn volunteer hours by leading small group sessions or tutoring. See the posters in the hall or Mrs. Zeutenhorst for more information.
Tulip Festival OCCS Tent- Students, do you want to make some extra money during Tulip Festival? You may sign up to have your name listed to work, for hire and earn $40.00 (typically a 3.5 - 4 hour shift.) If you are interested, please send your name, age, phone number and email to by April 8, 2022. This list will be distributed to families of OCCS, the week of April 13, 2022, who will contact you directly.
Please note freshmen age to 18 years old, may work certain jobs in the tent. The OCCS families will be aware of what jobs those are. If you have any questions, call Janice at 712-441-1048. Thank you!
Booster Club Spring Soccer and Track Volunteer signup - A new season has arrived and we are blessed once again to serve our school, students and surrounding communities through serving and volunteering to help with Gate and Concessions for Unity soccer and track meets. Click HERE to sign up.