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The Daily Knightline

Writer: Web MasterWeb Master

Lunch: Hot dog, French fries, baked beans, pineapple, strawberries

Tomorrow: Pork Chop, dinner roll, cheesy potatoes, green beans, pears, mixed fruit

Today: Block Day with periods 1,3,5,7

Praise Chapel

Tomorrow: Block Day with periods 2,4,6,8

Chapel – Pastor Cliff Hoekstra

Sports Report:

Freshmen (2-0), JV (2-1), and V (3-0) volleyball all won their games against HMS last night!

Girls Cross Country V came in 1st and JV came in 2nd

Boys Cross Country V came in 3rd and JV came in 3rd


  • CAST auditions will take place on Wednesday, September 2 at 3:30. Please meet in the Knight Center if you want to audition. If Wednesday afternoon doesn't work for you, please contact Mrs. Kuiper at as soon as possible. NOTE: This audition is also for anyone interested in having a part in the One-Act this year. If you are unable to audition for CAST on Wednesday after school, there will be an additional audition time Thursday after school in the Knight Center.

  • Students, you are NOT allowed to go back to the lockers or classrooms once you are finished eating lunch.

Students, please use the hand sanitizer in the lunch room before taking your tray for lunch. Please also wash your hands regularly throughout the day and cover your coughs and sneezes with your elbows, not your hands.


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