Today: French Toast Sticks, sausages, hashbrowns, carrot sticks, mandarin oranges and apple
Thursday: BBQ Pork, potato chips, green beans, pears and mixed fruit
Today: No block day/regular schedule
Tomorrow: No block day/ regular schedule
Friday: Football Friday Night – Beach Out! Unity Knights vs. Le Mars Gehlen Catholic - Away
Season Passes – If you ordered and paid for a season pass card but have not received it, you may pick it up in the office when it works for you.
Softball/Baseball pictures are in the office to be picked up.
If you would like to be on Student Council, please pick up an application in the office.
Students, please use the hand sanitizer in the lunch room before taking your tray for lunch. Please also wash your hands regularly throughout the day and cover your coughs and sneezes with your elbows, not your hands.