Monday: Meatball hoagie, potato wedges, broccoli Normandy, peaches, apple
Tuesday: Orange chicken, rice, green beans, corn, banana, mandarin oranges
Today: Officer Pollema is here in the morning.
Tomorrow: Chapel: Aaron Baart
Moms-in-Prayer meets at noon
Regional History Day
Envirothon Contest
Lost Air Pod found in the gym, please claim in the office.
Lost Keys with a blue Nelson lanyard, please claim in the office.
Congratulations to our Unity Hockey players. This past weekend the Sioux Center Storm JV team won their State Tournament. Congratulations to Issac Baart, Levi Dykstra, Lucas Van Berkel and Blake Vande Vegte. The Storm Varsity Girls team placed 5th at their State Tournament. Congratulations to Nicole Koops, Adrie Tinklenberg, Micky Tinklenberg and Kate Walhof.
Tickets for the spring musical order link is on our website yellow band.