
Jr. Knights Basketball Purpose
The purpose of Jr. Knights is to bring girls together to develop a passion and excitement for the game of basketball. Our goal is to help them to develop a great work ethic and provide opportunities to learn the proper fundamentals. We will also emphasize and encourage skills and knowledge that we think is important to our program.
Practice and open gyms start the first week in October and wrap up the first part of January. The schedule will be posted online on the Jr. Knight’s web page that can be accessed by going to Unity Christian’s website. The goal is to have all of our teams practice on the same nights once a week. This helps us to have consistent times and locations for our parents, players and coaches. Practices will either be at Unity Christian or at Orange City Christian.
We have tried as a program to line up more scrimmages program wide. This provides a better learning environment for coaches and players and it also keeps the cost down for our teams.
We allow our Jr. Knights coaches and parents to decide on tournament participation. High school coaches will have recommendations and input. We also encourage our teams to support our other Christian Schools that put on these tournaments.
Tournaments recommendations
5th Grade: Scrimmages and no more than 2 tournaments.
6th Grade: Scrimmages and no more than 4 tournaments.
7th & 8th Grade: Scrimmages and no more than 6 tournaments.
Playing time
5th grade: we recommend equal playing time and equal teams.
6th grade: we recommend equal playing time and equal teams for most of the season. Our recommendation at the end of the season would be to put together a competitive team to take to the final tournament. High school coaches will have input for the final team.
7th & 8th grades: we recommend competitive teams and playing time.
Kids can earn less playing time for poor attitudes & effort or missing practice.
*High school coaches will have input on the skills, offense and defense taught to the Jr. Knights teams.
Final thoughts from Coach Schuiteman
Our time is limited with your kids in the gym. Extra skill development is critical to our program. Parents our future success is in your hands as you encourage and work with your girls on their skill development.
Finally, Jr. Knights coaches are an important part of our program. Encourage them and be respectful of the extra time they spend in developing relationships and skills with your girls. If you have questions or concerns please feel free to email or contact me: jschuite@mtcnet.net or 712-441-1965. You can also contact Cody Harskamp (Jr. Knights Coordinator): charskamp@unitychristian.net. If issues do come up on our Jr. Knights teams I will contact the parents involved. Remember, we are all on the same team and we all want what is best for our kids, players, and program. We also all represent Christ in how we interact with coaches, officials and other parents. Stay positive and let’s enjoy this journey together!
Coach Schuiteman