Coach: Scott Ten Napel
Trey Hulstein
Bryce Riebeling​
Sign Up for Jr. Knights Football 2024 Here

Our Junior Knights football program is available to 7th and 8th grade boys. The season runs from August to October with the first practice being on the first day of school. Practices and home games are held at Unity Christian High School. Practices are on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings with games being held on Tuesdays or Thursdays. We play a five game schedule. Depending on the number of boys that sign up we play 2 games each night. We Start with a 7th grade game which is followed by an 8th grade game.
We provide all pads and equipment. The only gear you need to provide for your son is cleats.
No prior football experience is needed to join the team! We focus on teaching football fundamentals and the techniques needed to play each position.
All of our coaches have current Iowa coaching authorizations.
If you have any questions please contact Cody Harskamp at charskamp@unitychristian.net