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Bel Canto is open to all 9th-12th grade young women interested in choral music. Auditions for this small ensemble will be held during the first week of school, times TBA. The group will participate in local church services, as well as perform on all Unity choral concerts. Membership in either Concert Choir or Chorale is recommended, but not mandatory.


Directed by Ms. Katie De Vries

Bel Canto Members

Bel Canto


Future Farmers of America (FFA) makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.





Unity’s Game Club meets every other Wednesday after school. The group meets in the cafeteria and plays strategy games such as: Risk, Settlers of Catan, Empire Builder, Blokus, Diplomacy, etc. The group is open to any Unity student.

Game Club


Instruments of Praise is a select group from Symphonic Band that performs at various supporting churches.


Directed by Mrs. Carla Van Beek


IoP Members



Jazz Band is a select group of students from grades 9-12 with an interest in musical improvisation and enhancement of musical skills.


Directed by Mrs. Carla Van Beek

Jazz Band


Quiz bowl is a team activity for students in grades 9-12. Practices occur during lunch throughout the winter season and competitions are on Saturdays at local schools. The quiz bowl teams compete against other schools as they answer questions covering a wide list of topics such as math, history, geography, trivia, entertainment, etc.

Quiz Bowl


In February, our students are also involved in TEAMS (Tests of Engineering Aptitude, Math and Science) competition. Students in grades 9-12, work in teams of  eight students. Teams work in an open book, open note, open discussion format during this one-day, two-part competition. It requires students to think critically. TEAMS competition problems offer students the opportunity to see how engineering touches almost every aspect of our lives. Past questions, for example, have dealt with such real-world engineering issues as air transportation, bridge design and rehabilitation, flood analysis, solar-powered vehicles, and food preservation.



SALT (Student Atmosphere & Leadership Team) provides students with the opportunity to build Godly character through exercises in responsibility, teamwork, administration, organization and faithfulness. This group consists of students who serve on the Council in order to accomplish the following objectives:

  • Improve communication between faculty and students

  • Manage student ideas and concerns

  • Create and implement student-led activities throughout the year

  • Strengthen and improve existing programs

  • Provide suggestions regarding school rules and policies


Current SALT Members


The Cast is a drama group of 9-12th graders that are involved in many different areas of drama. Whether its working with grade school children, performing for chapels, being a part of a worship service or working with improvisations and One Acts, The Cast stays busy creating and imagining from August until November.

Director: Nicki Kuiper



In the spring Unity offers either a full length play or a musical on alternate years. This year - March 14, 15, 16

“The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane”...
Every day we are on a journey. And in that journey is a mix of great things, average things and difficult things. But when in this journey do we learn the most? It's often through those tough times. Children's author, Kate DiCamillo, wrote a beautiful book about this journey through the eyes and voice of a rabbit, Edward Tulane. Having read this book, and frankly crying through a chunk of it, I was excited to see that it was now a play. I am doubly excited to bring this incredible story to life on our stage in March. We invite you to take this miraculous journey with us. “Edward knew what it was like to say over and over again the names of those you had left behind. He knew what it was like to miss someone. And so he listened. And in his listening, his heart opened wide and then wider still."



Unity students produce a yearbook for each school year.  The staff, led by a faculty sponsor and a publishing company representative, solicits advertising, writes copy, takes pictures, and designs pages to create an annual yearbook.  Students can participate in a variety of ways throughout the school year, including registering for a class period dedicated to yearbook production.



Knightsounds is open to all 9th-12th grade students who are also enrolled in either Concert Choir or Chorale. Knightsounds is a select 12-22 voice ensemble and the top auditioned choir at Unity. In addition to singing and participating in local church services, Knightsounds will explore a variety of choral repertoire and perform on all Unity choral concerts.


Directed by Ms. Katie De Vries.


KnightSounds Members



Pep Band is open to all students in the band program who have a desire to show school spirit during varsity football and basketball games.


Directed by Mrs. Carla Van Beek

Pep Band
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