Senior Capstone
Class Description
Christians believe and understand that Jesus Christ is the capstone of God's plan of salvation even though He was rejected by and continues to be rejected by those who deny Him as the author and finisher of all things. At Unity, we believe and educate on the conviction that Jesus is the Giver and Sustainer of all things. He is also the Finisher who has given us the calling to bring His finished work to bear on all areas of His creation.
In every person's life, there are occasions when we reach significant points of completion that really require a time of reflection and evaluation to realistically and honestly appreciate what was accomplished and how those accomplishments have affected us. In a world and culture that is often driven to push us on to the “next thing” without reflecting and evaluating, we believe God calls us to respond to what He has done and is doing in our lives. He desires that we grow closer to the Finisher of our faith as we step towards the next chapter in our journey with Him.
Our Senior Capstone Project is a required component for graduation (.25 credit) and is designed to give our seniors the opportunity to reflect and evaluate how Christian education, especially at Unity, has contributed to who they are and how God has worked and is working in their lives. We believe that to understand the character and work of God, we need to pause to both see what He has accomplished and evaluate how we fit into His gracious plan for our future and that of His Kingdom. Jesus is our Capstone in building a new life that reflects His love and forgiveness in a world that desperately needs His light of truth. Our Capstone project is a tool in helping our students reflect, evaluate, and respond to a calling to be His light in the world.
Class Expectations
The Senior Capstone consists of 3 parts: the Reflection Outline, the Capstone Paper, and the Capstone Presentation. The preparation and completion of each part of the Capstone is mentored by an assigned faculty member. In order to maintain consistency in application and evaluation of the Senior Capstone, all faculty mentors follow the same evaluation forms for the purpose of completion and grading. These forms can be downloaded by clicking the link below.
Grading and Evaluation
Each assignment is graded individually using the Evaluation Forms linked below. The Reflection Outline is due at the end of the 3rd quarter and is graded on the 3rd 9 weeks. The Paper is due on the last school day in April. The Presentation is due one week before Senior Presentation Night.
Less than 23 points (80%) is an incomplete and deficient parts must be improved to earn the required points and graduate.